Small follicles

Hi everyone Just looking for some hope. I’m on day 5 of stims today (5th injection tonight). Just had a scan and all follicles are measuring less than 10mm 😫. I’m on max dose so it can’t be increased. Got another scan on Monday. Just very worried they won’t grow and round will be cancelled. I have very low AMH as well. Thank you
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Not sure what you mean by maxing out your dosing, but you're still early on so don't lose hope! I don't get follicle growth till late in my medicated cycles. I've never had follicle growth before cycle day 13 and once I had small follicles until cycle day 22

Thank you for your reply. Sorry I mean i’m on the highest dose of meriofert that they give, so they can’t increase the dose to try and boost the size of the follicles.

My follicules were 8-10mm on day 5 of stims. They all caught up and I had 19 eggs retrieved and 16 mature. It’s way too early to worry about follicule size. You will know a lot more next week.

@Annia thank you. I have very low AMH so every follicle counts!

OP: Oh interesting, I guess you must be doing IVF? I've only done IUIs and never maxed out any meds

@Rachael yes sorry should have been clearer. I’m doing IVF. They’ve prescribed maximum dose due to my low AMH

Got it, hopefully some growth starts for you soon! ❤️

Just had my day 8 scan. Only 3 growing 😞

Oh I am so sorry to hear that. I see example of people who only get a couple eggs and still find success. What will you do continue or cancel ? What was your AFC in the first place ?

5 in total but just the 3 responding

I had 8 and 4 of them made to blast embrio stage. 2 transfered and I have a 2 year old daughter now. So numbers are important but quality is more important.

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