Thank you for your reply. Sorry I mean i’m on the highest dose of meriofert that they give, so they can’t increase the dose to try and boost the size of the follicles.
My follicules were 8-10mm on day 5 of stims. They all caught up and I had 19 eggs retrieved and 16 mature. It’s way too early to worry about follicule size. You will know a lot more next week.
@Annia thank you. I have very low AMH so every follicle counts!
OP: Oh interesting, I guess you must be doing IVF? I've only done IUIs and never maxed out any meds
@Rachael yes sorry should have been clearer. I’m doing IVF. They’ve prescribed maximum dose due to my low AMH
Got it, hopefully some growth starts for you soon! ❤️
Just had my day 8 scan. Only 3 growing 😞
Oh I am so sorry to hear that. I see example of people who only get a couple eggs and still find success. What will you do continue or cancel ? What was your AFC in the first place ?
5 in total but just the 3 responding
I had 8 and 4 of them made to blast embrio stage. 2 transfered and I have a 2 year old daughter now. So numbers are important but quality is more important.
Not sure what you mean by maxing out your dosing, but you're still early on so don't lose hope! I don't get follicle growth till late in my medicated cycles. I've never had follicle growth before cycle day 13 and once I had small follicles until cycle day 22