Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.
Hi ladies, after some reassurance if possible. We had a missed miscarriage in May 2024 at 8 weeks (found out baby stopped growing about 6 weeks but had no pain/bleeding), and then an ectopic pregnancy in July 2024 which thankfully resolved itself. We’re now pregnant again at 5 weeks and I’m sure this one is in the ...
This is my first pregnancy and I’m going through a miscarriage. I am 8 weeks and 3 days, I’ve bled most of everything out now but I am struggling so hard with the emotional side of this. It feels all consuming
I had a missed miscarriage 3 years ago then had my beautiful daughter 2 years ago, I have since experienced 2 miscarriages since having my daughter and am now pregnant again. I’m only 4 weeks pregnant but super stressed this pregnancy will end in another miscarriage. I was refused testing after my last miscarriage ...
I had a MMC and miscarried 3weeks 4 days ago, the last couple days I’ve had some weird spotting and today it looks like my period has arrived. It’s unusual for me to have spotting and to have such a short cycle. Is it normal to have a period 3 weeks after a miscarriage? I’m worried about retained tissue (shouldn’t h...
I was pregnant in the summer and had my due date on 4th March, which at the time I entered into my calendar on my phone. Sadly that pregnancy didn’t last and I miscarried at 8weeks. Now my husband saw that I still have that due date saved in my calendar. He thinks I should delete it, as it might upset me closer to...
Experiencing my first miscarriage after having a healthy pregnancy a few years ago. Feeling very numb to it all, just crying off and on grieving the loss of something which wasn’t meant to be. Lost baby at 5w2d and have been bleeding since yesterday afternoon. Just wandering what time frame others have bled for duri...
Thinking the worst. Had mild cramping today and went to the toilet and there's a small amount of blood with small clots. This will be my second miscarriage since October 💔. I'm just questioning how I can have one healthy pregnancy to then have two losses back to back. I can't help but think it is a loss. Have a…
Hi all.. I’m going through a missed miscarriage but I have my ‘one week’ scan on Monday from the initial one last Monday. After researching about a MMC (and not being provided with much info from my hospital), I’m hoping they will give me the option for a D&C. I wanted to know how long any ladies have had to wait...
For like 3 times now after a miscarriage in dec 2023, have been trying to convince but nothing and have gotten all the symptoms of pregnancy like 3 different times but eventually don’t end up pregnant. This is exhausting, anyone knows the reason why this is like this or experienced it
I guess they are just lucky enough not to be in this position. But I can hand on heart say I won’t be “okay” again. I will just live differently from now. Sometimes “happy”, but always little hollower inside thinking about what was lost. The grief will be with me until my dying day. Part of me wants to feel this way...
I was recently misdiagnosed as having a miscarriage and sent home by the hospital. A week later I returned as tests were still positive and the bleeding was ongoing, pain was worse. I was then admitted and rushed for an emergency scan where they found a left tubal ectopic which I had carried to 8 weeks causing my tu...
Has anyone experienced period-like cramps and brown discharge during early pregnancy that has resulted in a successful pregnancy? I am experiencing the above and feeling incredibly worried that I’m having another miscarriage. I’m about 6 weeks pregnant.
Hi ladies, I am in the frustrating in between of knowing I’m miscarrying (for the 3rd time) and waiting for my follow up appointment with the hospital to confirm that the pregnancy isn’t progressing. We went to the EPU today & knew what was coming but because of procedure they have to wait 10 days to confirm with a ...
I’m curious pregnant mommas…if you’ve never had a miscarriage, do you still check the TP every time you wipe when you use the restroom? Or is that a ptsd from miscarriage thing only? I’m 20.5 weeks and I STILL check the TP every time I wipe and if I feel discharge leaking out of me throughout the day, I go out of my...
I had a missed miscarriage in October 24 (first pregnancy) which resulted in two rounds of medical management and then a D&C due to retained products (it took close to 2 months to finally be over). We tried again end of December, had faint positives for a few days last week but tests turned negative and I started bl...
I had a miscarriage at 9+5 (yesterday), how soon can I start TTC again?
Did any of you ladies save your placenta? If so what did you do with it?
Hi all, I just got a concern and I just thought I’d jump on and see if anyone has experienced anything similar before I call the GP. I had a missed miscarriage 5 weeks ago and I’m still bleeding. I originally thought I had some retained tissue but New Year’s Day I passed another clot and since then my bleeding has ...
This is quite a weird question, however I want my partner to know how I feel about having another missed miscarriage (I’ve had 2 in 4 months) but without saying it myself to him (I’m not much of a talker and can’t seem to talk about it properly)… How would you describe the feeling of having a miscarriage?
Hey guys I hope yous can help me , I’ve been trying to conceive for 2 years now and had 4 miscarriages. When I had my first scan with the first baby they told me I had a love heart shaped uterus sadly I miscarried. With the third baby scan they told me it was a definite split down the middle and I had two uterus. ...