Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Loss

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

I recently found out I am pregnant again after a miscarriage in June 2024. I am terrified my body won’t be strong enough for this one. Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to navigate these 9 months?


PUL pregnancy

My last period was 27th November I am now pregnant but my HCG blood is showing I am 3 weeks (which is from the date of ovulation) midwives are saying my HCG should double in the next 48hours for it to be a viable pregnancy. I have had two miscarriages in 2024 and I am terrified this will lead in to another miscarri...


Is there hope?

I had a miscarriage in November. My husband and I have agreed to try again later this month. But I see so many posts about women having multiple losses, so my question is how many people have gotten their rainbow baby? Feeling so worried mc will happen again. Did you do anything different?


Fertility tests

Hey I’m new to this group and just after some advice re fertility tests please. I’m soon to be 38, we have a 3.5 year old and been trying for number 2 for 2 years, last year had 4 miscarriages. Now we think it’s time to do some tests, some on the nhs and some private. Have had bloods done to check thyroid/hormo...


First pregnancy

Hiya 🫶🏼 this is my first pregnancy, anything to calm the nerves? I had a miscarriage in September so feeling on edge. Want to be happy but can’t help but feel it may be taken away again. In currently 4+2 ❤️


What was your first period like after miscarriage?

Mine are usually very heavy but only last about 4ish days. This is my first period since my miscarriage, started out super super light but has kept getting a little worse. Currently on day 7 and it’s now so heavy 😫 feels like it’s never going to end at this rate.


How would you react to a friend saying you have both suffered the same I miscarried at 14 weeks and she was two days late (no positive test)

It’s a really sensitive topic and I’m not sure how to approach it. I miscarried at 14 weeks, after three scans which came as a complete shock and I was devastated. My friend sent a few messages asking how I was but then we never discussed it again (she didn’t know how to approach me and that’s fine it’s tricky). A f...


How do you get on with your life after miscarriage?

I just found out today I am possibly miscarried at 6 weeks but I need to wait for my scan to confirm. My boyfriend is trying to act like nothing happenned and saying maybe it was not meant to be and we have a 11 month old as well so I feel like I have to act like everything is fine when all I want to do is lay in be...



This is my second pregnancy and I’m 6 weeks 5 days. Two years ago I miscarried around 7 weeks and I’m so worried about it happening again idk what to do. My first appt isn’t until the 13th. I know it’s too soon to show etc but what do I do to get my mind off this worry??



I’ve just experienced my third miscarriage. All happened before 8 weeks. First miscarriage was before my son was born. I’ve just experienced two more miscarriages. Starting to feel like something is wrong with me. Does anyone have advice or experience with what types of questions I should ask my doctor at my upcomin...



I found out last week that I unfortunately I had miscarried after a scan I had a feeling I had as I had a lot of bleeding. But I’ve had spotting on and off since last week which is becoming very annoying as I want to move on and try again but I want to wait till I have a period. I’ve read online and from two friends...


How did you know you were ready to try again?

I miscarried a week ago and am still sad, angry, all the feels, about it. And I was talking to my husband about trying again right away. Then I kinda felt guilty about it. How’d you know you were ready to try again?


Nervous and Anxious

Hey all! I just wanted to look for some positive reinforcements. I had 3 miscarriages last year and I found out I had a blood clotting disorder. I’m on Lovenox now and everything has gone great so far! I’m 11.5 weeks and everything look really good on my ultrasound last week. I just feel less symptoms this week and ...


Positive story

Just sending some positivity and hope to the women trying for their miracle. I had a miscarriage exactly 10 weeks ago today, ovulated 2.5 weeks later with no period in between and I’m currently 9 weeks 2 days pregnant. It just blows my mind how the dating works, especially in the absence of a period!


Miscarriage at 9 weeks

Has anyone ever had a miscarriage and not bled that much? The hospital are saying I may potentially of passed it however I just seem to be passing like brown sludge now the main stringy bit has gone . But just spotting.


Pelvic prolapse

I recently had a d&c surgery following a miscarriage and in the surgery they noticed I had a mild pelvic prolapse. Since the surgery the prolapse has got so much worse I have been referred to PT but I’m worried will it cause issues for future pregnancy’s/ fertility issues??


Miscarriage at 17 weeks

Hi, I found out I miscarried yesterday at 17 weeks. They didn't find a heartbeat. I have no symptoms. Im in shock and been crying. How does one process this... I'm doing a D&E next week. Any advice on what to expect?


So what happens now?

I’m currently having a miscarriage, and I haven’t really had much information on what happens next! How long do I bleed for? What happens if I test positive in 2-3 weeks time? Do they automatically cancel all of my appointments that I had scheduled in or do I need to do that? I’ve had no information on it from the...



Just found out I’m 3-4 weeks pregnant after my missed miscarriage at 12 weeks. Is anyone else with me? I’d love to have someone to talk to through this! I feel so conflicted, the fear and happiness is overwhelming


Miscarriage and sex

I had a miscarriage a week ago at 7 weeks and slowly stopped bleeding. Me and my husband had unprotected sex today and he said he came on my back but when I was cleaning down there I felt his sperm coming out of me. I didn’t know that you were supposed to wait 2 weeks to continue having sexual relations. Im worried...


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