Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.
So I am 39, been trying for 2.5 years for our second child. Four miscarriages in that time. Based in Scotland. Been trying everything we can think of, vitamins of varying types (wellman, pregnacare, ovum, procieve for men), guaifenesin, Maca, stopped drinking alcohol, stopped drinking caffine, taking more excersise...
Hi mommas. One of my best friends is going through yet another miscarriage… any advice on how to be there for her ? I never know what to do or say …
Has anyone had an abortion? If so could you tell me your experience! Thanks
I had my surgical management of miscarriage 3 weeks ago on Monday… and I’m still bleeding. Do I need to be worried by this??
I have always been very vocal about the fact I never wanted children so I’m starting to think this is my karma and that I’m just going to have another miscarriage and it’s never going to happen :(
After 3 miscarriages and never getting a dye stealer with any of them- I finally get one! I’m just so happy
Hey ladies, firstly I just wanna say I’m so sorry that we’re all in this group😔 I’m writing this in hopes of getting some positive encouragement. I had a mmc back in may 2024 at 9 weeks, we had got pregnant right away. After my miscarriage something wasn’t quite right with my cycles, I wasn’t ovulating regularly…
I took an ovulation test and its positive, I began miscarrying on 5th Jan and officially passed on 13th. Im now 4 days post miscarriage and have a positive ovulation test?? Is this because my hormones are still all over the place? Im not sure what to do, like? Surely it cant be that quick? I was told it could take 2...
I’m so heartbroken 💔, yesterday I had an appointment for an ultrasound to confirm why my hcg levels went down, and found out there is no longer a baby in the sack… I cried sooo much finding out, because at 6 weeks there was visibly a baby in the sack and at 8 weeks it was no longer there. How do you deal with…
Hello ladies I would like to ask you, how long after your miscarriage you got pregnant? It was easy to get pregnant? I had a miscarriage end of October, I did the curettage 2nd of December and yesterday I had my first period since the miscarriage. I was hopping to get pregnant this month. Ju to wondering if could ...
We unfortunately had a miscarriage at 10 weeks with our last FET 💔 and had to have a d&c. My clinic is saying there is no benefit of waiting a couple of cycles (unless emotionally and mentally I need a break) and is giving us the green light to start again at the beginning on my next period. I started my period…
Just found out I am pregnant again with my second baby after having a miscarriage at 8 weeks in November. I’m so so so anxious 🥺. I hope this feeling doesn’t stay with me.
I had a miscarriage at the end of Sept. Ended up having the pills, and later a D and C and then later a surgical management under general anaesthetic. My periods returned but are a whole lot lighter, and my cycle seems to be getting shorter by 2 days each month. Has anyone else had this after a miscarriage? Have I ...
Hi Just looking to see how soon after a miscarriage did you get pregnant. I had mine start October 2024 (I was 12 weeks pregnant ) and now on my 3rd period since , so frustrating as we were trying to conceive right after the first period I know not so much time passed yet but still was upsetting to get my period tod...
Had a miscarriage end of November and my period has not come yet thought let me take a test as I’m not feeling to well but this looks negative 😔
My miscarriage was confirmed last week via a private scan. The baby was measuring 8w 3 d so it happened between christmas and new year. I've had no bleeding at all but my stomach has definitely shrunk. I have an appointment tomorrow with the EPU at my hospital. What should I expect? Are they likely to give me pills?
Anyone else had an Miscarriage at 14 weeks? And what was the reason?
Had a miscarriage in December and i know I want to try again but I’m so worried this will Happen again. My husband is asking when we can try again and I keep putting him off because of how I felt after it only just found out I was pregnant next thing I’ve lost it. I also want to wait till after I I have my period s...
Hey, my GP has confirmed I have a slight uterine prolapse this morning. She said to continue with pelvic floor exercises and that she is going to contact the hospital to confer with a gynaecologist to see if I need to be seen at the hospital as I’m only 27. I’m feeling really down, anyone else had this and it’s g...
Anybody else got a low lying placenta or had one before? What was your outcome x