Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.
I’m looking for some hope please 💔 I had a miscarriage in October so we were so happy to find out that we’re pregnant again. This morning, I’ve woken up and there was bright red blood, exactly like I had 2 days before I miscarried last time. The only thing that’s throwing me is I’m only 10/11dpo and my period…
So yesterday was a scary day for me. Starting around 1am and not ending the scariness til just after 9pm…. So I was 23 weeks 3 days yesterday and around 1am I went to the bathroom and when I was laying back down I THOUGHT I saw something big brown and hairy crawling up my side and I FREAKED. (After extensive reflec...
Sadly lost my little bubs today at 10+6 :( Hope you all go on to have a lovely pregnancy and birth!! Anyone who’s been through miscarriage before can you please PM me? I’m so scared with what to expect.
I had a miscarriage a month ago after trying for two years. My friend just texted me “I need to tell you. I’m pregnant! I know you just lost a baby so if you need time to process I totally understand. but it’s big and I hate you not knowing things, it’s been the hardest secret to keep lol” I want to be supportive...
My best friend has had such a rough couple of years. She’s had 3 miscarriages a horrendous one at 13 weeks and also an ectopic pregnancy. She is the loveliest, kindest person with the best heart and would be the most amazing mother. It’s truly heartbreaking. I’m 9 weeks pregnant and starting to think how I’ll shar...
Had miscarriage November 2024 and everytime a miscarriage or pregnant thing like spotting happens on a tv show or movie like it has in hollyoaks I burst into tears 😔💔
Has any one had medical management then needed surgery after as the sac remained? I feel like I can’t cope with anymore it’s been 6 weeks
Pregnant again after a missed miscarriage, any tips on how to shake off the nerves? I’m so worried/scared
I don’t know what to do. It was confirmed a miscarriage on Friday after seeing the heartbeat on the Tuesday just before :( I had already passed the baby I have pregnancy tissue up there still that I need to pass, I have been offered the pills to help speed the process up but I’m not sure what to do? I’m terrified o...
I had a missed miscarriage late October I was meant to be 11 weeks it was the most traumatic experience of my life as I was rushed into surgery. I already have an 8 month old but I have recently found out I am pregnant again. The constant worry and fear is unbearable. Has anyone had a miscarriage then go on to have ...
We have had 6 miscarriages 5 being really early and one missed miscarriage at 9 weeks, We have a beautiful little boy but wanted another, I’m six weeks pregnant today going to the hospital for an early scan, I’m so anxious about it, barely slept last night but hoping for the best ✨
Currently going through a miscarriage, started Tuesday at 6 weeks gone. My hcg has been test twice, first one was 424 and second 488. Have to go for another tomorrow but so worried this is an etopic. Anyone else experience this please?
Me and my husband had our first miscarriage 2 weeks ago today, and it is our anniversary today and I was wondering do we need to wear condoms if we choose to get intimate or should pull out be okay? We do want to get pregnant but I know it is far too soon. Any advice ?
What can I do to Ovoid a miscarriage???
Please feel free to share your experience with pregnancy after a miscarriage, how your pregnancy was dated, or any questions you have on the topic. We're here to support and learn together!
Looks like I’m likely having a D&C next week after an incomplete miscarriage and pregnancy tissue leftover in my uterus. Any tips/advice/positive stories?! 🩷
I lost 1.4L of blood during my csection in June. We want to start trying for another baby this year. Am i likely to hemorrhage a second time because I did the first or is it literally luck?
So I am 39, been trying for 2.5 years for our second child. Four miscarriages in that time. Based in Scotland. Been trying everything we can think of, vitamins of varying types (wellman, pregnacare, ovum, procieve for men), guaifenesin, Maca, stopped drinking alcohol, stopped drinking caffine, taking more excersise...
Hi mommas. One of my best friends is going through yet another miscarriage… any advice on how to be there for her ? I never know what to do or say …
Has anyone had an abortion? If so could you tell me your experience! Thanks