Have 2 back to back. So just TRY to focus on the statistics. It’s a lot more likely that your current pregnancy will result in a living child this time. I wish you the BEST of luck in your pregnancy and try your best not yo stress so you can hopefully enjoy it. I’m 23 weeks now with a VERY healthy boy with no complications in sight 🩵
I had a missed mc at the end of September I am currently about 9 weeks I think and I hate it but I’ve completely checked out. I can’t let myself feel any joy or pure connection to the pregnancy as I’m so scared the same thing will happen. I was meant to be 13 weeks and went for a scan where baby had no heart beat but was measuring 12+5. It always shakes me up knowing had my scan been a few days earlier I would have seen a heartbeat and maybe not found out till my 20 week scan baby had passed! Feel free to message me and we can be on this journey together, I always find talking helps me rationalise my fears a bit xx
I had a miscarriage in September 2022 and then fell pregnant in October 2022 and I had a healthy baby! However trying for our second we had a miscarriage in December 2024 and I got pregnant straight after and I sadly lost that pregnancy too last week. But with my healthy pregnancy I had 4 early scans to get me through the first trimester 😩🙈 it’s so hard to feel excitement/joy/happiness I just took each day as it came and couldn’t think much further ahead than that. After the first trimester I started to feel more comfortable, I’d say about 18 weeks!
Had a mc in October also and found out I was pregnant again in November, conceived around 3 weeks after with no period in between. I’m now just over 14 weeks. I still instinctively check for blood every time I wipe and we had an early scan for reassurance but I just think stressing about it is no good, I know it’s easier said that done but you can’t control or change what will happen so I tried to just stay positive and not worry too much x
Thankyou everyone for sharing your experience but unfortunately I have found out today baby doesn’t have a heartbeat and I’m going through another miscarriage :( x
Hey, love. Your feelings are valid and understandable. I had a MC in February last year and got pregnant again in August. The first trimester was riddled with worry and fear. As much as I wanted to relish in it and enjoy my pregnancy it was SO hard cause all I could think about was losing another baby. And yes, it most definitely is a very traumatic experience. Even if you MC naturally and don’t need surgery, though I could see that being even MORE traumatic…I’m so sorry you went through that. I had to enroll myself in group therapy for months following my MC and that did help a bit but that was before I got pregnant again, so I didn’t have any professional support during my pregnancy. One thing that DID help me a bit was looking at the statistics. I googled MC statistics and found that it was FAR more likely for me to have a healthy pregnancy this time than it was that I would have another MC. And yes, recurrent MCs happen, but a MC to begin with is rare and it’s even MORE rare to