Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Loss

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.

Seeking Advice After 11-Week Miscarriage

Hi ladies, I experienced a miscarriage at 11 weeks on December 9th. This was my first pregnancy. The doctor advised that we can try again whenever we feel ready. I haven’t had a D&C. I’m still bleeding. For those who have been through a similar experience, how long did you wait before trying again?


Too early after a MC?

I miscarried last week. I am no longer in any pain or bleeding. I know the doctors say to wait until your next period to try again but has anyone tried before your period and fell pregnant? Or is it too early to try again?


Waiting for the heart to stop

I have a two-year-old, wonderful, beautiful daughter. This year I’ve had two miscarriages and I’m currently pregnant. I should be showing at eight weeks four days, however, my ultrasound shows as six weeks one day. The baby’s heart rate was only 83 bpm, basically half of what it should be. I was told that they can’t...


Pregnancy right after miscarriage?

Had a miscarriage when I was barely 3 weeks pregnant on October 20th and overall lasted a week. Doctors confirmed all tissue had passed and I was no longer pregnant. So imagine my surprise when on November 27th I get a very positive pregnancy test! Has this happened to others? Any idea on how far along I could even ...


Period after miscarriage

I had a chemical miscarage at 5 weeks pregnant , started bleeeding on the 9th of November for 10 days but still not had a period and ovulation tests are ALL over the place (low and high every other day) has anyone else found this with ovulation after miscarage? How soon after miscarriage did everyone get there period?


Found out I have a unicornuate uterus

After telling every doctor how baby girl has always favored my right side, finally one doctor felt my abdomen completely and told me I only have half a uterus. Explains my previous loss and issues with a short cervix with this one. It's nice to finally have an explanation but very frustrating that no one cared to ex...


Tips to keep pregnancy secret until 16 weeks

So I’ve had numerous amounts of miscarriages. I was just wondering how people keep their pregnancy a secret. I’ve never been able to and then I don’t like the pity I get when I miscarry



When did you ovulate after miscarriage


Ttc after miscarriage

Just wondering when did you ovulate after miscarriage and how long has it taken to get pregnant. TIA 🙏🏼


Threatened miscarriage

Looking for stories of people who have experienced this. I’m super worried and upset. I’m 6 weeks pregnant and had a lot of bleeding and clots, went to hospital they scanned me and said I’m measuring more 3/4 weeks which makes no sense so they cannot tell at this stage if evening will be ok I have to go back in a we...


Feeling hopeful 🙏🏼

Usually I am seeking advice on here on support through my miscarriages. I’m wanting to bring a little lightness to this experience. After two miscarriages this year, I found out last week that I am pregnant again at 3/4 weeks (5 weeks now). I’ve had two blood draws so far; first round my levels were perfect and wa...


Trigger miscarriage pending 😭

I was 7 weeks yesterday had some bleeding and a little clot well embryo measuring smaller like more towards 5 weeks and the heart is beating 81 bpm anyone been told miscarriage and it actually grew hcg levels was 410.2 yesterday 12/5/24 and Sunday 12/8/24 levels dropped to 205 Update I miscarried the (baby) (embry...


Second miscarriage

Ive just had my second miscarriage this year, the first was at 20 weeks and the second at 6 weeks when ai randomly started to bleed and passed out the gestational sac. Im so devastated and not sure how to move on from this…


Second miscarriage - help

Girls, this is my 2nd miscarriage. My 1st was quite traumatic with the bleeding and massive clots of pregnancy tissue. This time round it’s just been like a period, I’ve got another scan on Monday. Will the tissue still come? Or could it just be different this time round? Maybe I wasn’t as far along as what I though...


Scan from miscarriage

Hi everyone. I was supposed to be 10 weeks pregnant when I started bleeding and unfortunately it ended up being a miscarriage ( embryo measuring around 5/6 weeks) I’ve just been looking back through my photos and saw the scan picture and upon looking closely , am I going mad or does what I’ve drawn an arrow to loo...


I lost the baby :(

Sadly at 10 weeks, I had a misscarriage. The last three days in and out of two different hospitals. This is my 2nd one. How soon do you think until I can try again?



how long did you bleed after getting out of the hospital?(im a c section mama)


Medical management for miscarriage

I had a scan yesterday at 8wk3days which detected a missed miscarriage about 2 weeks ago. I could wait for another 1-2 weeks to complete the miscarriage naturally but I am taking a long flight next week and don't want it to happen during that time. Has anyone had medical management for completing the miscarriage? Ar...


Abnormal ‘period’

Has anyone else experienced this and what was the final diagnosis? For the past month i have been experiencing heavy bleeding, week 2 of the bleeding i lost some blood clots which were very strange looking, hard to explain but definitely more than just blood. I’m still bleeding now and losing clots but only small o...


TW miscarriage

Hi everyone My period was a week or two late didn’t think much of it as bf but the pain today was unbearable and I’ve passed two largeish clots which made me panic! Took a test and it’s positive does this sound likely miscarriage. Do I need a doctor or can wait it out ? I can’t have anymore days off work so panicking


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