Waiting for the heart to stop

I have a two-year-old, wonderful, beautiful daughter. This year I’ve had two miscarriages and I’m currently pregnant. I should be showing at eight weeks four days, however, my ultrasound shows as six weeks one day. The baby’s heart rate was only 83 bpm, basically half of what it should be. I was told that they can’t give me a diagnosis of a miscarriage since their heart is still beating. But essentially told me this is the beginning of the end. I’m having a hard time processing the fact that my baby is still alive and fighting as best they can. All while knowing that they are slowly dying. I had my first blood test today and will go back in a couple days to have it taken again to check my hormone levels. And in a week I will have another ultrasound. I’m having a hard time processing it all. Has anyone else ever been told they are having a miscarriage before they actually had their miscarriage? My first two, we found out after their heart had stopped beating, so knowing that baby is still alive and needing to prep to say goodbye is mind-boggling.
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I’m so very sorry. I haven’t gone through that heartbreak but I have had a miscarriage. I knew I was miscarrying when I went in and they said the baby hadn’t grown much since my other ultrasound which was 3-4 earlier. I don’t want to say to keep your hopes up but babies do some miraculous things. But if this pregnancy does end in miscarriage then if it were me, I would try to focus on the thought of something was very unhealthy with the baby and this was what was best for the baby. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.

I’m so so sorry you’re going through this. I had a similar experience - bleeding started at 6 weeks so went to early pregnancy unit for a scan at 7 weeks there was a slow heartbeat, at 8 weeks it had stopped. I was given options at 8 weeks but only the next day I lost the baby. I wrote a letter to my baby, we gave them a name, my husband and I bought forget-me-not flowers and booked a hotel for the night so we could grieve in peace. Our rainbow baby was born three months early, the month our Robin should have been due.

I’m so sorry to read this! It’s so heartbreaking. I hope that you have access to the support you need right now.

I’m so sorry they told you that. I wouldn’t give up hope yet though. Even though you say 8 weeks, you could have ovulated later and actually be 6 weeks. Secondly, the heart starts to beat anywhere between 5 weeks 4 days to 6 weeks 2 days so it being 83 could just mean it JUST started beating. A low heart rate at that size is normal.. I’d wait for your next scan and blood work!

@Tristana they kept asking if I was sure on the dates. We had sex once, so I know when we conceived. And I was told that even if I was only six weeks along, the heart rate is still too low. I’m praying for a miracle but also feel naive to do so.

@Kate that what we did for our other two. The doctors were surprised that I’ve had no bleeding or cramping.

@Brittney but even just having sex once, you don’t conceive at that time. It can be at a week before conception actually happens and then even implantation doesn’t happen that day either. There’s really no way to exactly know the moment it happened so don’t lose hope yet! And the heart rate.. I’m an US tech and I’ve seen it in the ER with a low heart rate super early and everything turned out to be a normal pregnancy, just early. I’m not trying to give you false hope, anything could happen but it could also be so early.. waiting is all you can do.

@Tristana I truly appreciate your encouragement!!! Thank you for allowing me space to have hope.

I’m sorry for what your going through. When I was pregnant I was told it wasn’t a viable pregnancy because the growth dropped more than 2 weeks. It made for a very stressful pregnancy but my son turned out fine!

@Brittney wow thats is pretty high actually ,mine was 840 when I misscarred at 7 -8 weeks ,71,000 is really good x

Wow that’s high. They did my first hcg and it was 45 a week later 800 two weeks later had a scan baby was there I’m 12 weeks Sunday babies do some amazing things. I really hope everything works out for you xxx

😭😭😭 this hurts me on Dec 5 I started bleeding at 7 weeks exactly and I went to er my levels was 410 and heart was 81 and measuring smaller then 5 weeks! Baby was no longer in uterus by Dec 13 I believe I passed it Dec 10

But I read at 5 weeks baby heart starts up at 80-85 beats ❤️

They told me threaten miscarriage and it can go either way. But the way mine went was bad plus hcg levels was horrible on my end

I’d be hopeful! I think 83bpm at 6 weeks is on the low side, but still possibly viable cause the heart rate starts out lower. Plus according to my lmp I should’ve been 9 weeks at my first ultrasound but I measured at 6 weeks so I was a whole 3 weeks behind but they said I prolly just ovulated late. I’m 17 weeks now and everything is looking good with my sweet rainbow baby! Don’t lose hope! Prayers and sticky baby dust to you! ❤️

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Any updates?

Unfortunately I did lose the baby just after Christmas.

Hope your okay xx

@Brittney so sorry to hear this! Sending lots of love

Thank you. I think we are going to try again…. 4th times a charm?

@Brittney don’t lose hope! We had two chemicals back to back, took a cycle break and then successfully conceived the following month.

Keep positive, we started trying in 2010, had a miscarry in 2013, nothing happened again for us until 2022 when we miscarried twins then we had our daughter Christmas day 2023 and now I'm 37+4 with our surprise second girl. I'd come to the conclusion I was just going to get a dog lol x

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