Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.
I had a scan yesterday at 8wk3days which detected a missed miscarriage about 2 weeks ago. I could wait for another 1-2 weeks to complete the miscarriage naturally but I am taking a long flight next week and don't want it to happen during that time. Has anyone had medical management for completing the miscarriage? Ar...
Has anyone else experienced this and what was the final diagnosis? For the past month i have been experiencing heavy bleeding, week 2 of the bleeding i lost some blood clots which were very strange looking, hard to explain but definitely more than just blood. I’m still bleeding now and losing clots but only small o...
Hi everyone My period was a week or two late didn’t think much of it as bf but the pain today was unbearable and I’ve passed two largeish clots which made me panic! Took a test and it’s positive does this sound likely miscarriage. Do I need a doctor or can wait it out ? I can’t have anymore days off work so panicking
Hi everyone I had a early medicated abortion start of September I’ve had one period and it heavier than usual but ok this is my second period since abortion and I’ve had a lot of pain and two clots today, about the size of limes. Is this normal or should I be worried?
5 weeks 4 days. backstory i got into somewhat of a physical argument with my partner. this was around 9pm now im seeing brown/pinkish discharge and having lower stomach pain?
I’m just wondering if anyone has tried to sue the NHS and been successful? I had an ectopic pregnancy back in July this year and ended up having my right fallopian tube removed. I feel the nhs were completely negligent towards me. To give some back story, I found out I was pregnant on the 17th June. On the 24th ...
it’s definitely a sensitive topic especially to those that have experienced one before.. i was 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant today. i went to the ER late friday night because i started spotting with sharp cramping pains.. they gave me a pregnancy test and was positive of course, tested my hcg levels and my levels were...
So miscarried Oct 22nd at 8wks and now I’m pregnant again tested positive Nov 27th but not sure how many weeks I may be. I’m experiencing bloating and a hard stomach which I had last time. I do get a small sharp pain now and again and I am anxious every time and try not to move too much when I feel it as I remember ...
My baby had a heartbeat at 7 weeks and nice and strong but can’t stop thinking I’ll have a missed miscarriage am I worrying for nothing? I feel like I can’t get excited and it’s so sad 😩
Started bleeding this morning. This will be my 4th miscarriage in 12 months. At what point should I give up?! It’s so hard to keep having this happen. What can I do. 😢
So I’m 3 weeks post miscarrige and I just taken a test because I got told to by the recurrent miscarr clinic and this is the result I’m so confused advice please Anyone see the line
I had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago and still haven't got my period back. My partner and I have still been intimate through this 4 weeks (obviously we waited until I finished bleeding first) as we really want a second baby. My question is how long should I wait before testing?
Hi guys I had a miscarriage in April, found out at 9 weeks baby had passed away af 6 weeks . I am currently 8 weeks and I had some spotting after intercourse , it’s still there when I wipe. Any positive stories from anyone ? Am worried it might be happening again
I’m 5 weeks and 1 day today and my tests haven’t progressed much. Today I’ve started bleeding. Any advice from this point would be much appreciated? Do I need to do anything? Do I need to wait to start trying again?
I’m 11w5d today and feel like this week my symptoms have pretty much disappeared, I miscarried in August at 9w5d and I’m just panicking every second of every day, my 12 week scan is next week and I’m just petrified that it’s going to be bad news. The anxiety is on another level. Is anyone else experiencing the same?
I'm in such a muddle, so any comments would help hugely I had sex with my OH on 3rd November, and thought this was out of my fertile window (my periods have been irregular). I had bleeding in the 27th day of my cycle and had a weird light period, followed by spotting (about 12 days in total). I felt sick and weir...
TTC baby number 2 after a miscarriage 2 months ago, Photo taken within time frame. Period due today. It is pink in person. My only concern is it seems a little too far left?
My beautiful girl was born sleeping on 16/11/2024. I have a son who's not long turned 2. I also had a miscarriage in November 23 at 12 weeks. My baby girls funeral is on Tuesday. I've got 3 days left with her as the funeral directors she's at doesn't open at the weekends 😭 I'm so scared to say my final goodbye on…
Should've been finding out my baby's gender this week but instead I'm lying in bed and just got my first post miscarriage period :(
I had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago today and I'm currently ovulating me and my fiance had unprotected sex I haven't had a period since my mmc so my question is how fertile am I after my mmc and am I in with a chance of conceiving my 🌈👶🏻