My daughter will be 14 months on 21st & she’s the same. She’ll walk pushing a walker or holding a hand each side, although only a few steps, she’ll stand holding onto table or walker but not alone. I’m not concerned, they all get there in their own time & we’ve no other issues. My friends daughter was 17 months when she took her first steps.x
My boy is 14 months and can’t stand unsupported or cruises furniture. He’ll walk if I hold him but can’t get his balance yet, I’m not worried though as most health professionals don’t worry until 18 months. It’s hard not to compare but they really do just do it when they want. He didn’t crawl until last month and bum shuffled everywhere but now he picks and chooses how to get about😂
I wouldn't worry. My first who's 2 now did everything super quickly. And daughter who was 1 in Jan has only just started pulling herself up, still stand with someone for a couple mins and that's about it. No signs of cruising along furniture, standing independently, standing longer than 5 minutes, walking alone. But the health visitors are happy with her progress and aren't worried at all. They all get there at some point
Mine is already 14.5 months and is the same. Shes just started standing alone for a few seconds this week. HV arent concerned til 18 months
My little girl turned 14 months on the 2nd, she’s only just started learning how to walk, at first she took a few steps now she is walking about, still wobbly but getting there. My 1st daughter was up and walking by 9 months old. My 2nd girl (the one who’s just turned 14 months) was premature and the neo natal nurses said never to compare the differences, babies will get there in there own time they can walk on there own anytime from between 10 months and 18 months so there’s plenty of time! He will get there eventually☺️
We are in the same boat as you with my LO who will turn 14 months next week.