Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
Has anyone put their little one in early intervention for speech? My son is newly 2 and is delayed. We were just given a referral for him! What are some things I should expect or ask in the coming weeks when we get set up with a pathologist? 😊
My little boy was 13 months on 3rd March. He still hasn’t taken any steps, he stands all the time but would still rather crawl. Are everyone else’s babies who are a similar age on here walking yet? I’m always so worried about him being behind.
Would you let your 3 year old go on a motorbike with your BD? My SO has been taking our son on his motorbike. He straddles him between his thighs and has my son wear a bike helmet. I said I no and I wasn't okay with it but he does it anyway on days that I'm working. His motorbike goes up to 50mph but he says he only...
Recently if I’m in the kitchen cooking or doing something where I can pick him up right away, he will bang his head back onto the cabinets or oven handle. I put my hand back to stop him and usually pick him up right away. I’m trying to stop him from doing it and not pick him up immediately so he doesn’t think he nee...
My son started hitting me so this is a fun new thing I have to work through :)
my child is obsessed and the songs get stuck in my head regularly, they’re catchy and cute though
Hi, My little boy is nearly 14 months old and he's not walking yet. He can cruise quite happily around furniture, pulls himself up fine but won't stand independently, will walk with a walker and will walk a little holding hands but won't even try on his own. I'm not overly concerned about the walking as such but the...
Does anyone else’s child make this noise when they speak if so do you know what it is and what causes it etc?
Anyone else’s 18 month old started spinning themselves round? Mine started yesterday and he keeps getting dizzy and falling over and finding it very funny. He will stop if we say no a couple of times or distract him with something else but then a couple of minutes later he is spinning again it’s not like all day b...
Hey my son is 9 months old next week and has been going physio for issues with arm weakness which has now resolved. His physio kind of made me feel like a bad mum as she said he should be crawling, getting into sitting position and pulling himself up on to things which he doesn’t do. Basically telling me she wants h...
Proper non stop from waking up to going to bed?
When did your baby start saying mama my son is 1 years old and all I hear is dada 24/7 🙄😩
I have a two year old that is just continuously dribbling! He dribbles so much he has to have a change of jumper as it goes through bibs. Is this normal? It has been going on for a while now. Thanks and sorry if this has been asked before.
Hey is anyone having a lot of screaming and frustration from there little one! My little girl is having terrible mood swings throwing things and seems to be getting angry, she's 15 months I don't know if this is just a way of expressing emotions?
When did your baby say their first word? and what was it?
As the title suggests, we already have early intervention referral because of a speech delay. At first it was the graco pack and play and now it’s the edge of the wooden play pen we have. I’m scared because he has a bruise on his forehead now over this
How do I get my two year old to walk with me in public. He’s always running off not sure what to do???
My 2.5 year old randomly started to stutter. He doesn't do it all the time... just wondering if this is normal. (FTM)
Anybody else’s little one going through a biting people stage?? Mine as recently started this in the past couple weeks keeps happening 🤔
My son is 17 month old and he isn’t talking yet. He says only mama and dada when he really wants something. A lot of the time he grunts and babbles. He follows directions when I tell him to come here or the word no. But is he too young to talk yet? Is anybody going through this?