@Lucy it's exhausting isn't it, my son has always been an early riser aswel between 5 - 5:30 🥲 I think it's separation anxiety but didn't think it would go on for this long
I agree because she doesn’t want anything else other than ‘where’s mummy’… how long has it been going on for you? X
Yep! For the last few months she calls us in the middle of the night and gets in our bed. Very rare she sleeps through. I think it’s when she hit the 2 year sleep regression and we just let her in our bed, not sure if it’s still the regression or we formed a habit. I have a 7 week old and it actually made things less stressful/ tiring just letting her in our bed 😅 She was also waking up at 5am most days when sleeping through and now sleeps until 7/8am. She has dropped naps though.
Been going through it since Xmas! Gets up around 12 then 2ish then sometimes 4 and that’s when I also usually just let her in our bed at that point! I don’t know what’s changed since Xmas but nothing I do is getting her to sleep through anymore!