@Ellie thank you!! I might starting pumping and giving that to her in the day as when she feeds it’s only for 5/10 mins ago I try and do a big feed after a nap and a small one before but can’t always guarantee. At the minute I do feed her to sleep (or at least dropping of) at about 8pm but on her naps I don’t feed to sleep. I’m the same don’t change her nappy unless it’s a poo. She used to wake up once in the night before her regression. X
I also breastfeed, but also introduce purées as doctor advised this early for us(hasn’t helped with sleep as some say it does her routine is the same) we used to start routine at 6ish but she started waking at 5:30 am so I try and push it later so we do a little bit of puree at 6pm then let her sit and play a little to let her food digest better I then let her play on the mat and about 7 I will do a massage 7:30 we do a little bath and then get her changed and read a book I then if she’s happy chat to her a little if not then by 8pm I give her boob which puts her to sleep she then doesn’t wake up normally till 3am has boob and normally goes to sleep super fast and then wakes up 5:30am I’m hoping me pushing her bedtime to 8 and later will hopefully push the 5am to later
My girl was the same! We’re up quite a lot now, mainly for her dummy 😵💫 I’m happier pumping even tho it’s a ballache x
Mine usually wakes from nap at about 5:15pm, then I bf him, he plays while we have dinner etc. About 6:30pm he has a bottle of formula, 7pm bath, massage, story, sleep song, then I put him down around 7.30pm and he's asleep by 7:45pm. He sleeps through til 7:30am. I feed him like you at the start and end of each wake window, blackout blinds & white noise for naps and all night. I stopped feeding to sleep about a month ago and he's learnt to self-settle. When he did wake in the night I didn't go immediately but gave him a chance to figure out how to go back to sleep if he wasn't crying. If they nap too much in the day it can make them not settle so well at night too.
Not to everybody’s taste but I do a 7-7 daytime routine with my girl. We feed every 3 hours and then at the moment she’s only waking once in the night for food. She was EBF but now I’m exclusively pumping, but we breastfeed in the night. I don’t change her nappy through the night as she only wakes once for food, but if she ate more I would. Do you feed her in bed or get up? X