What time is the nap? What's the routine?
@Natalie it’s around 11:30. He wakes up at 6am and naps at 11:30 for around 1.5-2hrs. Then goes to bed around 7:30
Timings sound pretty spot on. Id try taking him up a bit before and play in the bedroom. Quiet play such as books etc to calm before sleep as that will get him used to being there at that time again. I'd personally not give in or offer the car and if that means no nap that day so be it. They have a bit at 2 where they can drop the nap/fight it even when they aren't ready but it comes back after a week or so if offered consistently.
@Natalie That’s a good idea, I’ll try that, thank you. Yeah I’m definitely a soft touch and quite frankly too tired sometimes to fight it so I just give it which obviously isn’t helping. That’s what I’m thinking is going on. Fingers crossed it goes back to normal soon. Thanks very much
No problem. My daughter stopped napping at nursery about 2 and dropped at home for a week or so then they came back and she fully dropped them at 2 years 5 months.
I had the same for months! No real advise though sorry. I would let her fall asleep in car and then carry her to her bedroom after. But eventually she dropped her nap. Will very occasionally still nap at home but nowhere else.