Shower at night. Get dressed when he wakes up. Change him, feed him pop on some tv and go brush teeth and hair. Return 5 mins later done
Walker with ms Rachel lol
I just shower at night as well or if my husband is at home I will go and have a shower while he looks after her. Otherwise she will pretty much watch me. She loves watching me brush my teeth she finds it so funny 😂 then she sees me changing my clothes and while I do my makeup she is probably playing with something that she found in my bedroom x
I shower at night we both get up at 6:15 for me to go to work he comes into the bathroom with me I give him random shit to play with like a hairbrush a shampoo bottle a cloth etc.. x
I let her follow me around instead of containing her she stands and watches me shower in the bathroom I give her stuff to play with like her own toothbrush, hair brush anything really, in my bedroom walks around and has toys in every room of the house and is baby proofed as much as we can. Stair gates at her room, top & bottom of stairs & kitchen. It’s the easiest way as she stays content.
I let him just follow me round wherever I go obviously still under supervision, but I know that he will follow me and he likes looking at me when I get ready so I’ll just let him do that. I always dress him first as I don’t mind looking like a crackhead half the time if I don’t have enough time to get ready.
I shower in the morning before my little one wakes up, he has free reign of our flat (If he is in a different room I go and check on him every few minutes) but mostly he just follows me around/sits in my bedroom with me whilst I'm getting ready with some toys
I just get ready now during her first nap ☺️ if I have to go out during nap time (nap on the go), I get myself ready before my husband leaves for work x