It all depends on if your body does it naturally. If your body doesnt you need the pill. They may prescribed you one to take home if in a day or two the baby didnt pass through you. I was 10 weeks and change & bled out in the ER to come home later to have her/him fall out of me. Sorry for the following graphic description. The feeling you will feel is equivalent to when you have your period and you pass a large blood clot/chunk of blood. Only difference the chunk is baby. I dont know how an abortion pill works but my understanding its to terminate the development so shouldn’t be the same thing. There is a chance they will need to do the tube on you if you dont flush everything out. It’s important for your health to flush it all out. Hopefully your body does it naturally but if it doesn’t dont feel bad that you need to assist the process. You need to do you.
Personally I would look for a second opinion at another scan clinic.
This happened to me. Mine was Blighted Ovum. So different. My body naturally miscarried it about a week after finding this out. I didn’t want to take anything as I knew my body would do it when it was ready. Sorry this is happening to you and sending all my love 🤍
@Svetlana I did so far 3 doctors have told me the heart isn’t beating
Sorry you're going through this, Mama!! I just let mine pass naturally. If it won't, then like the others said, you'll need that pill to help it. I know nothing of the abortion pill to compare that question. Sending you good vibes, Mama!
yes, it is the same as the abortion pill. the pill mifepristone is designed to stop progesterone production and help the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy tissue. its typically taken with misoprostol. it is safe and effective. it will be uncomfortable and border on painful, much like a heavy period. you may experience nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. low grade fever is also possible but not as common. if your bleeding becomes super heavy or the fever lasts for more than 24 hours then you should seek immediate care. when I miscarried back in 2013, the immediate option was to do a D&C under general anesthesia. you could always ask them if they'd do that instead. in any case, absolutely make sure to follow up with your doctor, even if you dont experience any adverse symptoms, to check to make sure there is no pregnancy tissue left behind, which could cause infection. I'm sorry you're going through this. I know how much it hurts and how scary this part can be. sending love 🩷
Okay so to me it sounds like you went in at 8w 6d or 9w 0d and they found a heart beat it could have happened after the ultrasound that the heart stopped beating. I'm also a bit confused about the 9w 7d that would just be 10w 0d??? Or was the days different?
That’s very confusing so there wasn’t a heartbeat then there was? Are they wanted you to get rid of the baby? When that happened to me they had me do a D&C I would just look up the pills and check