NHS appointments with midwife’s

I had my 20 weeks scan and have few midwife appointments where they measure the belly old school with measurement tape and listen to the heartbeat through like a Doppler not even proper scan - but I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and they don’t see the scan of the baby. Am I suppose to book something private to check something else ? I mean my pregnancy is low risk but I still don’t trust nhs as if they are doing everything I need to do. How do you know what checks you suppose to have ? I know have 3 more appointments booked with midwife until birth date but that’s it. they have taken blood 2 times throughout pregnancy and one diabetes test. Scan at 12 weeks and scan at 20 weeks and that’s it. Is that normal what everyone else is having ? I just want to know shall I book something else myself privately to ensure baby is okay etc ? How do people find out they have low iron, or this % that everyone is talking about where the baby is measuring small or big - I have no clue where you get all this information and if I am missing something
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You would have extra scans and tests if your baby would be measuring too small/too big, or anything would be of concern regarding your blood tests, urine samples (protein) or anything else. If there are no tests that means there are no abnormalities. The percentiles, estimated weight and blood test readings can be found in your paper notes (yellow folder?) or Badger app if your NHS trust is not doing paper notes.

That's pretty normal. See here: https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/your-pregnancy-care/your-antenatal-appointments/ I was very surprised, when I was pregnant with my first, how little care pregnant women in England get...

So if your a low risk pregnancy you only get 2 scans with the NHS 12&20 weeks. I’m a high risk pregnancy so they add growth scans 28,32&36. I had my 32 week midwife appointment today where they took my blood and checked my iron levels. If your worried I would book a private scan however I know they are quite expensive x

Thank you 🙏

I am a high-risk pregnancy and I wasn't satisfied with the lack of information provided during my two NHS scans. I felt that I didn't receive enough details, so after each scan, I decided to have private scans for more thorough information.

Im high risk pregnancy due to BP and Gestational diabetes, i’m having scans every 3 weeks to check my placenta and baby’s growth. Xx

I am low risk and have had the same as you, just 12 and 20 week scans. I am 32 weeks now and have a midwife appointment every 2 weeks up to my due date but nothing more than belly measurement and listening to heartbeat. If there are any concerns with growth they would send you for scans but if everything is ok and you don’t have any concerns they don’t do more than is needed :)

I was low risk till 28 weeks and it’s reassuring that they don’t see you anymore if all tests are ok. But, please be even more reassured that if even the smallest test comes back with a ‘not normal’ result they will do so much. I’m now 32 weeks, have already had x2 extra scans and am seen at the hospital at least x3 weekly because of what I’ve got going on. They will do more if they need to.

I’m high risk, due a scan at 32 weeks & then 36. The lack of information I’ve been given is absolutely terrible too. If you’re going to private scan I highly recommend window to the womb, it’s not over priced for what you get and they thoroughly check over baby x

That’s normal unless you have a risk pregnancy

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