Help! Unwell baby only sleeps on my chest but wakes up when I put him down

My 11 months old had a fever last night reading 39.7 at 5am. Since then he did not sleep all morning and was cranky. He didn't have his naps only 20mins nap while he was sleeping on me. Soon as I put him down he wakes up crying. I saw my GP today to check if he has any infections. She said his ears are slightly red bit nothing to be concerned about, he has runny nose and mucus on top of this throat. Chest is fine and to comtiune giving him water. He has been avoiding food today but drinking milk as normal. Since his temperature was one off I am so confused why he is cranky I get it he hasn't sleep all night and day. But he keeps crying and starts hitting me out if frustration when I put him down as he wants to be carried. I haven't slept since 5am last night only had 3hrs sleep and am absolutely shattered. His asleep now on my chest but soon as I put him down he wakes up crying I can hear his breathing changes when I put him down on the pillow there's a lot of mucus in his throat and probably a slight blocked nose. I even tried raising the pillow but he wakes up any sound and little movements. I dont know what to do i thought he might be in pain as he got a cold aswell so i gave him calpol and i put teething gel on him (he has been teething forever) since he keeps bitting.Please tell me how I can get some sleep i can't sleep with him on my chest his a big boy now and it's uncomfortable. I'm super tired and feel over stimulated having a baby glued on my chest non stop the whole day. Husband helped after work but baby only wants me.
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Will he sleep next to you? Maybe worth trying cosleeping?

Teething possibly? Does he have all his teeth? They are always warmer when teething and more clingy and their ears and teething go hand in hand I was told so that could be why. Not sure on the temp as I’m in the states so don’t know the conversion. They can have a runny nose with teething too I thought? I agree with the co sleeping to hear and feel you next to him?

@Lilita yep we co-sleep but he kept waking up, I put some olbas oil on a tissue kept it near him and used the nasal spray for some relief seemed to help and slept again until an hour he woke up. But I feel OK now I had a decent 4hrs sleep. Just gave him some calpol and nasal spray again hope he gets proper rest.

@Alyssa Im hoping its teething because got some relief after the teething gel for few mins. I think the temp converts too 103.46F. He only gets high fever at night. He woke up not long ago with the same temp reading and hands was cold but body was warm. Yep we are co-sleeping i think it's the mucus his struggling with in his nose and back of his throat when laying down.

Oh! That’s a high fever for teeth! Usually it’s just 99 ish….just slightly higher than a normal temp. Yeah that mucus back up is enough to wake them up alll night! I’m so sorry, hope this passes soon!

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