C section date with IVF pregnancy

Hi all, after 3 rounds of IVF I’m a FTM of 44, pregnant with a due date of 3rd April. When I was discharged from the IVF clinic they recommended a C section and that I shouldn’t go over 39 weeks, but I’m 37 weeks tomorrow and still have no C section date from my local hospital. Having spoken to them they said I will find out 4 days or so before, and that the date itself could be anything from 39+0 - 40+0. I’m feeling quite stressed at the fact it might be later than recommended and that I will find out so late. Is this normal?! Do other people have their dates / were they given their dates with these timescales and notice? I’m feeling like the baby is coming soon as the last few days I’ve had to slow down significantly and am unable to do much physically, and don’t want to go into labour and have to have an emergency procedure. Looking for others experience as maybe I’m worrying unnecessarily?
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Hi, I was in very similar situation. IVF twice was advised C-section. I ended up being booked in for 39+2 got date through literally about a week before that but went into labour 4 days before that so ended in emergency. Even tho it was an emergency c-section in the end it went fine and I am healing well and feeling good, try not to worry about going into labour before your date. Good luck! X

You can and it is your choice to have an elected C-section at 39 weeks. Do you’ve or have you just had a routine midwife appointment? You tell them it needs to be booked in. Don’t let them fob you off.

I got my letter at 37+3 confirming the date of my C-section.. so maybe it just hasn’t arrived yet?

Thanks @Charlotte, I hear that it’s not too bad if it is an emergency but I think it depends how quickly your natural labour progresses and my baby has a very minor heart condition so there are lots of risk factors. @Jan my midwife seems surprised that it hasn’t been booked and offered to chase it for me but she can’t actually book it in herself apparently - needs to be the clinical team and they don’t communicate directly! My consultant is a bit scary but I think if I don’t hear back in then next few days I will push again as I really don’t want to end up in an emergency situation.

@Rachael that would be ina few days for me so maybe it will come, but I spoke to the c-section booking team and they said the date hasn’t been scheduled yet and will only be put in 4-5 days before so I don’t think they’ve written a letter?

They may not have, you can keep trying to contact them to ask but chances are they won’t schedule it until last minute just to make sure you’re really anxious 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’d definitely ask your midwife if they can get you a date to try and ease your anxiety

I woke up at 6am waters broke at 6.05am and contractions were every 5mins .. got to the hospital and was 4cm dilated at 7am .. it was crazy! I went in for my op at 10.30am. The only thing I am sad about is because it was a shock and happened so quick my mind went blank and I didnt ask for all the things on my birth plan but they still did alot of it as standard just not everything I wanted. Baby boy is here and healthy and that is the main thing :) .. Fingers crossed you can get sorted soon to put your mind at rest x

Hello! I was booked for planned IVF on my 29th week and it was on my 38 week. It’s not normal to wait do long as you may end up delivering baby before 39 weeks as it’s very common practice to nice a birth before 39-40 weeks. My advice is to demand to get the date and do not wait to 39 weeks

Thanks all, I’ve just had a call from the hospital and they’ve given me a date - 38+6. Hopefully I won’t go into spontaneous labour before that! @Eka hopefully that date won’t be too late!

Were you given the advice of c-section at 39w for any reason related to your pregnancy? I had my baby 40 years old after 2 ivf and it ended up being c-sec after a failed induction at w 42+1. I was never told the baby had to come earlier and by c-section due to my age or ivf.

At 38 weeks they never booked a c section date for me. They mentioned it. But wouldn’t go into details with me until I reached 39 weeks. I ended up going into labor and had her naturally. I had a section prior and waited 18 months to get pregnant again. So they were fine with letting me labor and go natural. But they did say if I reach 39 weeks and nothing is happening then we would book at date right away

I’m unlikely to have another pregnancy with my own egg after this, given my very very low reserves (I was told ivf would be a mere closure exercise), and my age, so I think that’s why they recommended c-section to avoid any additional risks of the pregnancy going later and associated stillbirth etc. I know lots of ppl who are older and have been induced and then ended up having emergency c sections so I’m happy to go straight to a c section, I’m just relieved I have a date now!

Good luck with the labor ❤️

Girls, I work in insurance industry for a long time already and have seen a lots during my carriers. My advise is to all of you who has IVF pregnancy to have a Critical Illness cover sorted as we are in the higher risk line to get some within 4-5 years. If you are interested to get the detailed info, I will be glad to consult you And off course free of charge ❤️

I’m in the US so it might be very different, but I did IVF and also had a c section and knew I’d have one the whole time also. I believe we finally scheduled it at about 34 weeks, so about a month in advance, but then they also called me only a few days prior to give the exact time…

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