Has anyone else been told their baby had or has a small hole in their heart

Follow up on my 20 week scan. I came back 4 weeks later for a second ultrasound bc they couldn’t get good pictures of baby’s heart or profile. I was told then that they suspect my baby has a small hole in his heart but that it is fairly common in pregnancy and should close before I deliver him or in the first week or so after he is born. I keep hearing that it is common but haven’t heard anyone near me experience this….
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Yes the GP said babies are born with a small hole in their heart that closes by itself.

Yes we experienced this. Whilst pregnant, we saw a fetal cardiologist who confirmed one small VSD (hole) in the heart. When she was born, she had an ultrasound to find multiple holes. A couple of weeks later all but one had closed and healed up. A few months after that the last one closed. If you want to talk feel free to message me. I know firsthand how scary it is xx

Not my baby but I had a hole in the heart when born which eventually closed. I do think it is common x

yes my baby is 6 months and he was diagnosed with a small VSD in his heart at my 20 week scan . they told me it was common and the same thing they told you that it should close before giving birth but they also told me it should close before their first birthday if it doesn’t before then. he went for a check up after he was born and it was still there but it did close slightly so i have to follow up in a year to see. but if it’s small, surgery won’t be needed and it’s nothing to worry about.

I haven’t had a baby yet but from someone who had a hole in their heart after coming out of the womb ( I’m sure I had to have it in the womb) it does sound like a common thing . I’m 24 now and doctors hear no sign of a heart murmur now and haven’t for years . I think the last time they listened for it was when I was 9 and I didn’t have it then and doctors today say I still don’t .

I was born with a hole in my heart, I spent a week in an incubator but it all closed up, had check ups each year until I turned 5, no issues so far and I’m 22

Yes 2x kiddos are both great

no - but i did as a baby and mine healed by itself

It’s quite common, I was born with a hole in my heart and it eventually closed. Never had any related health issues x

Yes!! It closes on its own.

Yes! That’s very common

@Wendy it is scary 😕 but I’m happy to hear she is healthy and it turned out okay for you !

@Talia thanks for replying ! that’s what I’m hoping is it’s just a small hole and that it repairs itself.

@Jacinda oh that’s great 🤍

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