Crying for long periods

Anyone else's babe cry for long periods at night? Around the same time my baby cries about 7pm every night without fail. I've tried everything and although she does have gut issues, in my heart I don't think that's what is upsetting her. She's absolutely fine all day until bed time then cries for a few hours until she falls asleep. We've tried everything including adjusting wake windows and bed times. Tried a longer and shorter wind down routine. Stimulating more to wear her out and also less stimulation. We've tried longer and shorter naps, a 3 and 4 nap day. We've tried taking her lead and just watching for her cues and wait for her to become so sleepy she falls asleep. We've also tried supporting her to sleep by following a consistent nap and bedtime routine, blackout blinds, white noise etc. We've even tried allowing her to contact sleep on us for a good 5 days or so in case she was overtired to catch her up. Tried stretching her wake windows too to see if it's under-tiredness's and that just made things worse. Going absolutely out of my mind here and really in need of some help. Thank you
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We are going through a similar thing. We’ve found taking him out of the room and almost starting again to help calm him down. X

Aside from crying does she have any other concerns. My LO was like this but would also be really squirmy and windy. Wouldn’t settle in his back and was generally refusing feeds come the evening. But he also had mucousy poos We’ve been started on allergy formula as we’re suspecting CMPA and probably reflux and a lot of the symptoms (apart from the mucousy poo) is due to reflux which gets worse in the evenings

my LG is fairly terrible in the evenings. it's currently 50 50 as to how unsettled she will be.

Not had this with my second, but went through this with my first, it’s called purple crying. It’s really common in babies I think, but without fail she used to cry between 6-7pm and eventually settle, there wasn’t much that soothed her, we just used to walk around with her and sing to her. Eventually, she just grew out of it. Not much advice tbh, just that there’s a light at the end of that tunnel, hang in there xx

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