My little boy was checked for infantile spasms when he was about 14 weeks old, and it progressively gets worse if they have it (thankfully he didn't). I feel like you would have seen it way before now and also this doesn't look like the right type of spasms for infantile spasms..if you're concerned though speak to your GP. When I was concerned I went to the GP and he happened to have a 'spasm' whilst they and they did an immediate referral
Super cute… 🥰 I miss my kiddos at that fun age!!! You are so blessed 😇
He's still only young and figuring out how his head and the rest of his body moves. I don't think it is anything to worry about at this stage lovely 🥰
My little boy did something similar when he discovered he can nod “yes” , and he found it so entertaining. Same when he discovered how fun it is to shake his head x