@Leah ok I’m really just hoping I’m overthinking everything. It’s just been a wild ride with my son, one minute he excels and the next he’s back to square one.
I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sounds like your son is on the spectrum. I would get a second opinion and ask about speech therapy and other resources to help him reach his milestone. My sister did this for her son, who is 7 now, and he's blossomed SO MUCH! I mean, you can't shut that boy up! Lol It DOES get better, and with the right kind of help, they do blossom and have a better understanding of things in order to hit those milestones. Always listen to your motherly instincts! God blessed us with them for a reason. The fact you're even asking means you're a great mom, and you love your baby. I would also reach out to other moms who have children on the spectrum and seek their advice. I'm sure there are mom groups on fb etc.
I could be wrong tho. But I got told that x
Definitely bring your concerns up with your pediatrician. I’ve had the advantage of a parent educator who visits once every couple of weeks who’s helped me to know what’s normal and what’s not (a free service that was offered through our health care system, that I was lucky enough to find out about and be qualified for). Without her, I’d really have no idea what to be looking out for and would be relying heavily on my pediatrician. While it is true that every child develops at a different pace, one of the questions that comes up often on our routine assessments is whether he answers to calling his name. My son does, so that hasn’t been a concern for us but the fact that it’s a question tells me it’s something worth keeping an eye on. As someone else mentioned, it may be a case of neurodivergence, in which case there are so many ways to support his learning and development with the help of occupational therapy! Again, mention to your pediatrician and see what your next steps might be.
You can talk to your pediatrician or you can set up a free early intervention appt- you don’t have to have a referral! We did that for our son because he’s a slow talker. Does your son use sign language and gestures? In other words does he communicating in other ways?
Meant to mention, the pickiness is very relatable! My toddler will barely touch meat (occasionally will have a fish stick but it’s rare) and we’ve done the same, supplementing with whole milk Greek yogurt to make sure he gets enough protein. Hummus, peanut butter, and cheese have been helpful for us too.
Just curious but did you have a c-section? I had a c-section and my baby was diagnosed with Torticollis at his 3 month appt. This was affecting his milestones and his sleeping. since the physical therapist his pediatrician referred us to was not helpful at all (told us to youtube all the exercises & do them at home), we decided to see the chiropractor i saw when i was pregnant— she takes care of babies too. My baby had chiro appts about every week for 4-5 months… she helped my baby progress a lot.
@pilar i didn’t have a c section, i was induced only 3 days earlier than his due date. ❤️
Thanks for replying. Did you read the pics I shared? C-sections are only one possible cause of developmental delays, other causes include stessful pregnancies & long labors. What are your thoughts on checking out a chiropractor? Feel free to let me know or message me if you have any questions.
Every child reaches their milestones at their own pace xx