Baby staying out overnight

I’ve never really thought about baby staying out overnight (with family). Someone mentioned it yesterday and implied my boy should be staying out occasionally as it’s ’good for him’ 🙄 He’s not the best sleeper so I personally wouldn’t have him stay out unless on an emergency basis. But when he’s older, sure, especially when he’s old enough to ask/want to. What’re your thoughts on baby staying out overnight at aged 1? Has your little one slept over someone else’s house overnight?
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We suffer with split nights so my mum has taken her a couple of times to let us sleep!

@Steph that’s fair enough. I think we run off adrenaline 90% of the time 🤣 has she slept better at your mum’s? I’ve heard that can be the case sometimes 😅

My baby sleeps better at my parents house, even though there’s a better set up at mine. I’m not sure if it’s the ambience or what but I do think it helps to get them out of a pattern, and that makes it easier on you. If they aren’t dependent on a set pattern, then they will be a lot more adaptable to continuing their regular schedule while out and about.

With me yes, without me no ... I just couldn't do it being away from her for the whole night it was too hard for me x

@Rhiannon I think I would be the same. I’m just about learning to leave my LO with family for the day now (work etc and soon going to work on date nights). It is all a learning curve but we’re getting there ☺️

my boy stayed at my mums last week for 1 night as my nieces were going to stay so my mum didn’t want him to feel left out. all i did was sit at home bored and yearning for him to come back 😭 i even went to sleep at 8pm so i could wake up and it would be morning time so i could go get him 😂

Still haven't left my 3.5 year old with anyone else overnight! We've obviously all been to stay with family together, so they've both slept in other places, but not on their own.

@Maeve Ohh 🥹 Bet it was good for you though! X

I haven't and won't be letting my LO stay overnight for a long while yet. Personally, I don't feel the need to have a night away and don't really see how it would benefit her tbh. I'd just spend the whole night missing her and wondering how she is.

@Sophie I’m probably going to be the same. As someone above said, I’m happy to stay places with him, go on family weekends away etc. I said to this relative that I’m not in a rush for it, this relative also doesn’t have children. But obviously each to their own. If I need to recharge or have ‘me’ time, a few hours apart in the daytime is plenty 🥹🥹

The only time my 3 year old has slept away from me was when I was in hospital to give birth to her brother.

My almost 3 year old only stayed with my mum when I gave birth to her younger sister.

Yes, my boys stayed at my mums 3 times since about 9 months old. But he won’t be staying anywhere else for a long time x

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