Trying going to an office and talking to them. Calling gets nowhere.
I havent dealt with the PFL portion yet but I did have to get in contact with Edd so I literally called 20 times and sat on hold for about 40 mins one morning like a week ago and I got through you just have to be suppppper persistent.
my husband had the same issue, we tried calling all day & couldn’t get through. i did some research & found out that people used this website called and paid $9.99 to get through to edd. we took the long shot & paid it bc we needed the money, & 30 mins later my husband got a call & was put through to edd and his claim got approved immediately & he was paid 2 days later. it’s a stupid system but that’s what worked for us. through the research i did, it looked like people wait months for it to get approved unless you call & are able to get through to a representative & get your claim approved instantly. they’re so backed up & slow. for reference he submitted his claim jan 24th didn’t hear anything for three weeks (when edd claims to have it done in two weeks) so we called on feb 14 & he got paid feb 18 (2 business days later). hope this helps!
You can contact your California state representative. They have direct contact with EDD. They can help you with your case 🫶🏼
My friend works for SSDI and she said there have been a bunch of updates in the PFL program, just FYI. 😵💫 Only way I was granted was going into the office, there was some sort of hold. Other than that I’ve heard an actual delay is usually a month.
i finally got my PFL 2weeks after it was over, it said pending the whole time
It took about a month and a half for my PFL to kick in .
Yea the PFL just takes forever, mine did and I've heard it from many others. Disability is fairly quick and they take longer with PFL, mine took almost the 2 months so by the time it was approved my PFL was pretty much over, so got it in a lump sum practically, I was ok with waiting but if you're not I've heard of others calling and getting it resolved fairly quickly, although it is super hard to get through, but there is a service for $10 they guarantee that they will get you through, I'm sure you could Google it and find it