My little boy is exactly the same. And is getting so frustrated, I saw the HV last week and she told me not to worry, just give him plenty of floor time. She told me he will do it when he is ready. He rolled over a few times around 5 months and then refused to do it again up until about 3 weeks ago. He will only try to pull himself up whilst in the cot also. I bought a little activity table to try and help when downstairs, but just bites the legs on it 🤣 The one thing I have found helpful, is when he is on the floor either leaving him in just a vest or a baby grow, I don’t know if he feels less restricted than in clothes. xxxx
My LG isn't crawling or pulling her self up on anything she rolls all over the place to get around. You can tell she wants to crawl it just hasn't clicked yet. Just keep doing what you're doing and it will come when they're ready xx
My boy was 9m on the 12th and still doesn't crawl. He gets up onto his knees, rocks, rolls but hasn't worked out how to coordinate his arms and legs yet. He's also not pulling himself up. I keep telling myself not to worry, he won't be 7 and now able to crawl 😂
I wouldn't worry about it. It will just happen all of a sudden. Mine has been crawling for 2 weeks. For a while, he was just trying to stand up, and out of nowhere, he started crawling.
You’re not doing anything wrong, all babies are different, my baby has only just started crawling, but she army crawls, she was born 2nd May so is an early May baby. She doesn’t pull herself to stand grabbing furniture or anything but will hold my fingers and pull herself up - we practiced this. With the crawling, I looked at some videos on TikTok at different techniques and did them but tbh, I don’t think it helped and I think she just did it when she was ready. They do say jumperoos can’t stunt them doing certain things so may be worth ditching it, we don’t use a bouncer or anything for her anymore, she has full free roam in the living room and hallway x