My midwife didn't even ask me with my second baby, she just placed babygirl on my chest, I can't remember what she said as I was just taking my babygirl in but I do remember her saying we will do delayed cord clamping 🥰
It was until the cord was white. I know it took a few mins but don’t remember how long. It really depends on how the hospitals define it. For some hospitals waiting 2mins them cutting is delayed cord clamping (even tho that’s not it) other places they’ll wait until the cord is white and not pulsating. So you want to be EXTRA clear in what you mean by delayed cord clamping if that’s part of your birth plan
Both births I’ve asked for “delayed clamping” and the delivery midwife in the hospital always waits until it stops pulsing and turns white. Different places might be different but that’s been my experience in my hospital