Sudden low readings?

Has anyone else suddenly started getting low readings. This week I had a lunch which I knew would spike me as they swapped the lunches at work and I tried to make the best of it but knew ultimately it would put me way over but it didn’t. Then today I’ve had two low readings when I’ve eaten what I normally would and have had to eat sweets and carbs to bring it back up (per my guidelines from my diabetes team). I’m now slightly concerned my placenta is failing or something like that. I have called triage but they said they aren’t well versed enough so they’ll get a consultant to call me back
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I think all you can do is await a call back. Try drinking a glass of orange juice and then take a reading as well an hour later as this would give a good indication. But short of waiting for someone to ring you there isn’t much you can do except wait x

@Kathryn yeah still waiting. I’ve just eaten some toast as they say to eat carbs to bring my levels up again since I’m on insulin so hoping they’ll call me soon. I feel terrible

@Rosie hopefully they’ll call you back soon or the toast will help too and take a test in a little while. Sometimes tolerances can change as well but it’s definitely worth checking. Have babies movements been okay x

@Kathryn just tested again and my levels dropped even more 😭 don’t know what that’s about! Babies movements have actually been more than normal

@Rosie when did you call them? Even extra movement may need a trip to the triage so perhaps call them again my what is your reading?

@Kathryn called them just over an hour ago. My level is 4.3 which for me isn’t normal and I’ve been told I can’t go under 5.

Perhaps give them another call and just explain that your readings seem really low and you have noticed increased movements with baby is it safest to come in and get checked over as you know the consultants will be busy xx

@Kathryn good idea, I’ll do that. Thank you x

It’s better to be safe than sorry @Rosie if they can get you to go down there x

@Rosie let me know how you get on x

How many weeks are you? I’m 33 weeks (second GD pregnancy). I’ve had this happen twice this time and a couple of days later they’ve gone absolutely sky high again. It’s like a dip before a rise. Also if you’re over 36 weeks then it can be normal for levels to start to decrease a bit.

GD levels can get slightly lower towards end of pregnancy. Its completely normal, just make sure if youre hypoglycemic to eat some carbs to give yourself a little boost xx

I see you are 35+ weeks. It’s completely normal for this to happen. I can’t remember the details of it but basically the issues with your body making insulin caused by placenta are an issue mostly the middle part of pregnancy. Towards the end, it can get better again. I remember reading about this so have a look online. Just seen you are in insulin - definitely needs to be looked at by a doctor so hopefully they get back to you soon. I was only diet controlled so low ish readings weren’t an issue. I was strictly diet controlled from 20 weeks when I was tested and even managed to have chocolate in my last few weeks which I hadn’t managed in months!

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