I’m hiding this pregnancy from my job for as long as I can. There’s a promotion being spoken about and I know if they know it will disappear! The same thing happened with my first pregnancy. Also not rushing to tell anyone else either because of the stress that will come with it
I only hid my pregnancy as I wanted to tell my family first. My friends only found out 5 days before my son was born 😅
My dad didn’t find out that I was pregnant with my son until I was about 8 months and I was around him a lot would take him to dialysis 3 times weekly etc people didn’t begin to notice without my telling them until then as well I didn’t gain to much weight overall and picked up much of it in the final months / last month
Yep (: only a handful of people who saw me regularly knew of my pregnancy. Mostly everyone in my life only found out after my son was born already (: Best choice I ever made. Stress free pregnancy is the best pregnancy.
No I’m one of the ones if I bump into you and I’m 4w preg I’ll tell you. We bumped into friends at the Carols by candlelight we ended up sitting together and I couldn’t hold in such big news and they were super excited for me knowing we were trying for a boy at the time (after 2G)
Currently hiding my pregnancy from my family until I move since they’re so judgmental and I just had a baby 14 months ago only told my husband’s family
Not the entire pregnancy. But, yes, when changing jobs.
I'm considering hiding my pregnancy from the bio father because he's controlling, narcissistic, and emotionally abusive. He constantly tries to manipulate and gaslight me. My husband died, and I only slept with this guy because I was suffering so much, and I ended up pregnant. He won't respect that I've told him to stop calling, texting, and showing up at my house. I'm at a point where I think I need to get a PO.
I hid my pregnancy when I was pregnant with my second. Only immediate family and close friends knew. It was pretty peaceful as not everyone knew.
Yes a few people have randomly texted me to catch up when we haven’t spoken in years. I didn’t reply because I didn’t want to tell them I’m pregnant lol. I know they will have weird jealous reactions and I don’t want that energy
I'm not purposefully trying to hide it. I dont have social media anymore so no one will see posts. My family knows I have been trying but they haven't asked how it's going. I figured they'll find out in a few months when my wife and i take family photos with our little and have an ultrasound Pic. I'll mail that photo out like surprise surpriseee 🤣🤣🤣
I didn’t really tell certain people but I also didn’t show until I was ready to give birth! I’ve always been chunky so even when I went on maternity leave at 35 weeks, a lot of our patients didn’t realise I was even pregnant.
I hid my pregnancy from my job until I was 6.5 months 🤣 they got suspicious twards the end cuz I wore a large hoodie everyday (pre pregnancy I didn’t own a single shirt that even went down to my bellybutton) and I stopped drinking and smoking. I worked at a bar and used to drink nightly lol.