5 weeks is 3+, I got the same. Congrats
3+ is 5/6 weeks 💕
Thanks ladies. I ovulated late (cd17) so if I go off conception date I’m 4+4 as well. This whole thing confuses me 😅
These tests confuse me too, mine said 1-2weeks but then when I spoke to my midwife on Thursday she said I'm 4 weeks from the last day of my period. 😂 Xx
Your only 2-3 for a short time i skipped it too might have been that it said 1-2 but you were just about to hit 2-3 if you tested like Wednesday/Thursday you probably would of got a 2-3 😆 3+ is what you want for 5 weeks ☺️
I have the exact same and was really confused!
5 weeks is supposed to be 3+. I got the same and I have only 1 baby!