@Faithfull we just started tonight! She fell asleep after 34 min, she then woke up about 20 minutes later and took her another 20 minutes to fall asleep
Its slightly odd to be given the okay prior to the 4 month sleep regression. Zero judgement; but when it hits all training goes out the window
@Leah she’s actually been in the regression since she was 3 months and 1 week!!
@Leah fighting naps that only last 30-40 minutes, waking in the night after a lot of her sleep cycles, relying on us to put her back to sleep and because she’s hitting those milestones she has major fomo and wants to rock it all night long lol
She did so well! This method is a good one. It's not harsh like the CIO and easy to adjust
Short nap length is kinda normal until 5mo of age when wake windows lengthen and babies are able to connect sleep cycles better. Not to be judgmental but paediatricians always suggest to sleep train even when they are so little. It surely is a choice but put into a perspective (having nearly 9mo old now) unless you commit to sleep training every so often (regressions, travelling etc) it all goes out of the window. Babies rely on caregivers to feed, regulate emotions and I don’t see why people treat sleep as a thing they are supposed to master from nearly day 1. It’s a process for them just like when you brought them home and they didn’t know how to lift their head. It takes years for adults to build a muscle to do something, I don’t see why babies are any different.
Well done!!
@Maria I hear you, our situation is a bit different than most where she doesn’t have a nursery we have no other choice to room share, to ensure that she is getting the sleep she needs and the sleep I need to show up the best mom for her every day this gentle approach seems like one id be most comfortable with! Everything is a learned behavior, the research I’ve done has stated starting sleep training at around 4-6 months depending on where baby is at of course can aid them down the line the rest of their big milestones! Just giving it a shot, she’s well fed and diaper changed when dirty, she knows I’m there for her :)
@Olivia Yes and I agree it’s definitely a choice. For me being a mum I want to be means having a nanny three times per week so I can do my stuff :) everyone is different
@Maria 1000%! I’m glad you have that outlet, so important to get time for you. I’m still trying to work those kinks out so I can have some me time, hoping I’ll get there eventually!
When you mean check in, do you mean she starts crying and you go to her to cuddle her and put her back to sleep, then repeat after 4 mins etc?
I think this is absolutely fine and whatever works for you and your family! But for anyone reading this who thinks they HAVE to do this to get good sleep, you don’t if you’re scared about it! I never sleep trained my son and he was horrendous from 3 months with a sleep regression. Used to sleep through, then BAM, up every other hour. I went with it and enjoyed the night cuddles for around 14 weeks and then he just randomly started going longer and longer at night and he now sleeps through with no help or training. If you’re worried about doing training they will learn on their own! It’s completely normal for a 4 month old to not sleep the night they’re still tiny x
Great job! My baby started the 4 month sleep regression at 3 months, too. Sleep training saved us! I was experiencing postpartum rage after 6 weeks of no sleep. We both sleep better now and baby caught on so fast!
@Zai I just go over to her and stroke her hair or her belly and whisper to her that she’s safe and I don’t pick her up!
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@Melissa YES me as well, I’m 4 months postpartum and still experiencing postpartum depression anxiety and rage, this is just going to be something that benefits my family as a whole including baby
@Hannah and she still wakes up to eat just fine! I change her if she’s dirty, feed her when she’s hungry, which she only wakes once a night now to eat. I had the similar experience as you where she went from birth to about 12 weeks of the cuddles before bed and easy transfers to bassinet now crib, but as soon as that regression hit we’d sit and cuddle with her til she was asleep for 20+ minutes, as soon as we put her down when we think she’s knocked out she’s wide awake. Just wasn’t working for any of us as she would be really crabby during the day with also fighting naps! Just time she could benefit from the skills of soothing herself
For how many days did you do this untill she fell independently asleep