My son had this, he always slept with his head to the left. We had to really push the GP but eventually we were referred to the hospital and they diagnosed torticollis and prescribed physio. I would strongly recommend getting your daughter checked. We used something called The Perfect Noggin and his head rounded nicely. It meets safety guidelines but isn't well known over here. There is a FB group called The Noggin Doctors Plagiocephaly and Torticollis group which has loads of information and advice.
I would speak to your GP (it helped me just to get some reassurance that what I was doing was all I could do!). But yes they definitely get better over time - and become less noticeable when their hair gets thicker. I don’t think anyone but me would actually notice this about my daughter (she’s 11 months). Please don’t worry or blame yourself. There’s not a lot you can do except follow sleep safe guidance. My GP said there’s no proof the corrective helmets even work. X
@Becky Hiya did you use the pillow at night? My daughter is exactly the same and always faces the right side. She’s sleeping all night (at the moment) so is laying on that side of her head for so long. I feel it may be unsafe over night but could maybe used in the day? X
We did yes, it's not a pillow but more a special mattress. So long as baby isn't rolling then it is perfectly safe to use. Pillows such as those sold on Amazon (Babymoov and similar) are not safe and suffocation risks. Repositioning the head etc. has been shown to have little effect on rounding the head and naps aren't long enough for the Perfect Noggin to work properly but every little does help! Some people use it for play time too when under a play gym for example. I would definitely get checked for torticollis as that would need to be treated if it is the underlying cause of baby favouring one side.
We went to the GP today regarding this - Baby favours one side and has slightly flat head because of this. Dr said it’s common and should resolve on its own (took measurements to make sure nothing serious) as they get stronger and to help with lots of position changing, tummy time etc. we have been referred to physio for strengthening exercises and I have ordered the Babymoov anti flat head pillow as has been recommended.
My daughter strongly favoured sleeping on her left side as a baby. No matter how much we repositioned her head or did tummy time, she always ended up back on her preferred side. Her GP wasn’t concerned and reassured us it would improve as she got older. She’s now 3.5 years old, and while it’s less noticeable, it hasn’t fully resolved. Now my son is showing similar tendencies, but he prefers sleeping on his back. I’ve tried repositioning his head, but he always goes back to what’s comfortable for him. I brought it up with the GP again, and while they don’t seem worried, I’m planning to push for a referral to physio and maybe even look into the Perfect Noggin. It’s so encouraging to hear that it’s worked for you @Becky
@Melissa yes we've been trying our best to encourage her. I don't notice a lack of range in motion but even when I'm wearing her in a sling she still prefers to face that direction. I'm convinced its a stiff neck muscle!
@Becky thank you for sharing the pictures that's so helpful. Yes my daughters head looks a bit like this. I'm going to bring it up in our health checkup next week and see what they say. That perfect noggin will be great under a play gym or nap time- if she can fall asleep like that haha
I know that stiff neck muscles are very correctable if you catch them early. It's good you're staying on top of it! Good mom for paying such close attention. 💜
I took our little boy to Cranial Osteopath as he was only wanting to lean his head one way no matter how I positioned him. Only went Wednesday and already he's started turning his head thr other way more and more
When you place baby in the crib, do you change positions, so that whatever interests her on the right side might cause her to turn to the left? Sometimes this works, like if there is a painting or a light that she likes to look at. At 7 weeks it may yet resolve itself, but if her muscles seem stiff and forced to the right side, check with the doctor, some babies do develop with a preference to one side but it can be corrected with therapy.