Yeah I wake him. Especially from his last nap of the day. If he sleeps too long close to bedtime he’s a nightmare to get to bed and won’t stay asleep long x
I’ve been told not to as we don’t know what development they are going through or why they want to sleep more. I usually let baby sleep but talk properly and do other bits which can be noisy
Our daughter contact naps on me and latches on and off throughout. If I didn’t cut it off, she’d sleep for hours just relatching everytime she stirred.
My boy always naps from around 2-4pm and if i don't cap it at 2 hours it affects his night sleep so I usually wake him from that one if it overruns
I woke him in the end and boy he was mad!
I don't wake mine, but tbf it doesn't seem to affect her night time sleep if she sleeps a lot in the day! I just assume she needs more sleep when she's growing/developing
I never wake him up from a nap, always let him wake himself when he’s ready. We woke him up once as I was worried he was napping too close to bedtime and he was soo upset and it took over half an hour to settle him x
I normally just have to turn off their white noise