I see it
I see it
I see something. To me as long as it’s a line test taking it apart doesn’t really do anything to it. I did the same to mine and the next day I got a positive on a digital
I see this but also see dye run which can cause false positives. This doesn’t mean to say you’re not pregnant though! Keeping my fingers crossed for you ♥️x
Could be evap. Keep testing!!
I don't see it sorry
Don't see it and on per the directions once you break it open it's invalid test again in two days
I can see it, I know people say it affects the validity when you take it apart but I did the same with mine as I couldn’t tell if it was a vvvfl or shadow and it was a genuine positive confirmed by digital 2 days later! Hopefully this is the case for you but I deffo see a line xx