Yes it can take a while to hear back. Especially if you refer immediately eg 4/5 weeks. They'll arrange a booking appointment with you for around 10w so you'll hear a week or 2 before then
@Kayla @Elaine oh wow!😅 thank you both, I’ll just wait and see then haha. Are all the appointments at the hospital or split between hospital and gp surgery?
It depends on where you live as to where they'll be but won't be at GP. I had booking appt at the hospital then my others with community mw team based at a children's centre in stanway. There are a few of these around town. I was given a choice of hospital or local for those appointments. If you'll be consultant led then you'll need go go to the hospital sometimes too x
@Elaine thank you! So different to my previous pregnancy😅
i did the self referral for colchester at 4 weeks and i’m now 8 weeks and 5 days and i got a letter last week, only for the dating scan which i’ve got at 13 weeks… so i rang them up and was like i haven’t had nothing regarding bloods and everything… it took them so many attempts to get me through to the correct person so now i have my 3 appointments; bloods then medical history then dating scan, it was a nightmare xx
@Alison I’m only roughly 5/6 weeks, so will give them a couple weeks before I chase 😅 my previous pregnancy, I was literally contacted by the hospital the next day so this just feels odd xx
@Holly this is my first pregnancy so i was not sure how long i had to wait but im coming up to 9 weeks so i needed to push for the appointments for bloods apparently haha, yeah you’ve got a little time left xx
Mine was through Broomfield but I think I waited about 2 weeks. I was about 10 weeks when I first had an appointment. If you’re only 5/6 weeks I’d say you’ll be waiting a few weeks still x
I think we waited 3/4 weeks to hear back. I did chase in the end and they said they had me on the system and I should get a letter in the post any day! So worth popping them a call to put your mind at rest I’d say! My local check ups are at my doctors surgery but scans etc are at the hospital. Depends on what the apts for
@Emily thank you! I might chase up in a couple weeks or so, I’m not concerned just so different to my previous as they contacted within 2 days to just confirm they received the referral 😅
Colchester were pretty slow to be honest I think it was almost 2 Weeks before I heard anything back . You can also email again which may prompt something
Can take like two weeks sometimes, the maternity services at Colchester hospital are mostly rubbish