@Karen I could have wrote this myself it’s awful I feel like all I say is no when she can’t have something but It’s hard when they don’t understand 🤦♀️ just constant crying 😢 it’s so overwhelming and draining. She’s very busy like always has to be doing something outside 24/7 with a newborn it’s super hard wish I had family near to take her out sometimes!
@Becks it is hard, yesterday he had a good nap, but when he woke he cried for an hour straight, for what reason I don't know 😕 then he went ok, I took him out today then had a massive meltdown in the shop, I just don't know, I'm at my wits end.. I just feel like I'm walking on eggshells 🥴🤦🏻♀️
Same, I was getting to the point where I was so worried that he has behaviour issues, everyone keeps saying he is 2 it is normal, I've never came across a 2 year old like this 😖.. he just doesn't know what he wants or who he wants!! Everything ends in a meltdown, he wants to do everything himself which some of the things he can't do yet, he doesn't fully talk yet so just points at everything, I have just downloaded an app called observant mum which I paid about £1.60 for, but I was so desperate to what is going on that I didn't mind paying, it kind of gives you an insight to what they are going through at their age.. I just feel so depressed some days thinking it is something I'm doing wrong and making him unhappy, it's just an awful phase at the moment 😔 xx