@April Glover @Trinity I’m curious if you had baby in a bassinet first? We’ve been doing bassinet and my son does fine being in there and we are thinking about transferring to the crib soon too but I’m nervous how it will go
@Melissa yes and no at first it was a bassinet and then we started sleeping and now we’re trying to get her to sleep on her own
Co sleeping
We did the bassinet at first, and she did really good in it, but then one night she just stopped sleeping through the night. We quickly figured out that it wasn’t that she wanted to sleep in bed with us. It was that she preferred our mattress. So we’ll bemade her the girl crib with the thicker mattress and in hopes that she would sleep better.
@Trinity yeah she loves sleeping with us and I’ve tired breaking it
Does she have to be snuggling? Or does she wake to eat or change
@Trinity she has to be snuggled I lay her down usually it’s a deep sleep and she still wakes up
I’m not too sure other than a sleep training method. She’s still quite young and is learning about distance and that you can leave. My baby was the same for a couple weeks at that leap
My baby is 7m and we just sleep trained. Took a few nights but it’s night 5 and she fell asleep on her own in her crib and didn’t wake up during the night (that i remember) We used the Ferber method. It’s hard and takes a lot of self control. But you’re not abandoning them