Possibly teething. My girl started doing the same at that age. Reduced appetite, sleeping a little bit more, a bit grouchy, and so much dribbling. It all comes in ebbs and waves. She’s 26 weeks now and having a very off day for her as it’s almost 8pm and she’s had 25oz for the day instead of her normal 36ish because her mouth is hurting. There’s also been a lot of tears the last few days too. If your baby drops to less than half her normal intake, reduced wet nappies, and lethargy call a Dr straight away because that’s dehydration and an emergency. Until then, try not to let anxiety get the best of you (I know it’s hard). You’ve got this!
My baby had her jabs on Monday and today she has been eating a lot less too! She has also started biting her lower lip but she seems to do that for fun as a new skill haha it’s sweet. She has been super grumpy today, honestly unbearable, nothing pleased her and she barely wanted to eat. I made sure she was entertained, she slept well, she had her naps in time and never got overtired… and still she ended up having an hour of crying. It seemed to be tummy related though, I suspect the rotavirus
@Marina omg I could have written this! My girl had her jabs on Monday and has been pretty grumpy today 😅 She has been biting/sucking her bottom lip for weeks (she was 17 weeks on Monday) so I’m used to that but she has also had decent naps etc today! She has been being fussy with feeding for a few weeks anyway but your comment just made me laugh because I literally could have written that!
@Lauryn did yours have the third round? Mine is super behind because my gp decided to wait until she was 10 weeks for her first round, she is 14 weeks now and just had her second round. The third will be on december 23rd… what a lovely way to ruin Christmas lol
@Marina ahh wonderful 🙈 hopefully she will be ok! Yes they were the 3rd lot of jabs. Thankfully they are all done now until she is 1 year ☺️
My LG did that around that age, it was developmental and she eased out of it after a couple of weeks. Have you thought about upping the bottle teat size though? Sometimes they’re frustrated with it and so play with it or don’t feed. Could be worth a try!