Share your nap wisdom!!

For those of you who have these babies that go down for naps in their cot without assistance… are you just lucky and they’ve always done it or did you have to get them used to it? If so - please share how you did it and how long it took? From a desperate, sleep deprived mum who’s life is revolving around contact & pram naps 🫠 baby is 3.5 months old.
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Following I’m kinda in the same boat. Debating the pick up put down method as I won’t entertain any form of CIO but I don’t get what you do if he just gets more and more worked up. Then he won’t nap and he’ll be knackered so I’m stuck!!

This is my fourth he’s 3 months and lately I’ve managed to get him down for naps. I’ve struggled with my other babies. The way I’ve found it works is keeping an eye on his wake windows. He should be awake for 60-90 mins. So I keep an eye and try get him down near the end of that time. I put him down in my bed. We co sleep at night so it smells familiar to him. I play white noise and he sleeps. It’s amazing. This has been 2 weeks it’s been happening. How long it will last I have no idea haha. And if I try it for bedtime and in the night he fights it haha xx I couldn’t with my other 3. So you’re not alone xx you’re doing great xx

I'm curious if any baby does it without sleep training. I currently feed baby to sleep. I did sleep train my first at some point when I could no longer go on with the sleep deprivation, but wonder if it's possible without any form of sleep training LOL

Following - my Velcro baby will not self settle or be put down

I have 2 girls and I put them down when they are drowsy and white noise is the holy grail! Play it loud at first and then when they start dozing lower it slowly until they are asleep and then turn it down to a much lower volume. I have 2 girls and this has worked wonders for me. My youngest likes a little more comfort so I put her blanket in her hands and she goes down without any problems. Don’t get me wrong some days she fights it but I just reset. So pick her up get her drowsy and repeat the above until she sleeps. Babies like routine and I 100% think that’s why my 2 are “sleep trained” once you find a system that works stick to it xx

@Beth how do you do this with a second child? I can do this with my first but I can't do this with my second as it requires a lot of time, repetition and patience, especially to get them drowsy. With the amount of time and effort I committed to my first, I think my first will be neglected until my second gets the hang of this. It's already quite hard to follow the wake window, with a 3 year old to occupy 😓

@Xing Yi I feel you I have an 11 week old and three year old and the three year old keeps waking my baby up from naps very frustrating 😅 I nearly hold him either he dosnt nap for very long !

Our girl goes to sleep in the cot without assistance at night and for the first two naps in the morning. Afternoon naps are much more difficult. Having a mobile with songs helps, giving her a toy or a black and white cards to play with and of course white noise helps a lot. When she fight naps I sit by the cot and sing for her, sometimes hold her hand. Generally when she is unsettled/fights naps lifting her up makes things worst.

@Xing Yi my eldest who is 2 has a pretty good routine and by the sounds of things so does your LO. I just try and integrate them both rather than trying to deal with one and then the other. so when it’s morning we all get up and play together on the floor and I simulate my youngest as much as possible during their wake window my eldest actually loves it then when it’s time for my youngest nap, it’s snack time for my eldest. She sits and has her snack and I give her an activity like colouring or shape sorting and it allows me to get the other one drowsy enough to do the above. It’s just getting the balance really. Again I’m not saying every day is amazing but most days it works. If it gets too much get them Both outside for a walk in the pram. Fresh air always works and it’s good for you too! As for bed time they both get a bath together at the same time every night, they both play, both get milk and then both are in their bed by 7. Life can be pretty repetitive but it’s worth it x

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