Baby doesn’t crawl

My girl is 9 months old and does get on her knees and hands and rocks and slides backwards some but hasn’t even tried to move her legs. She does prayer feet in a criss cross position, but then keeps them that way when she’s trying to get into crawling position so I’m afraid her feet won’t cooperate with her when she’s ready.
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From my experience as a mom (this is mt second baby) but after have 2 VERY different experiences our babies will get to where they need to be when they are ready. The expected milestones are a very basic guide unfortunalty (for our mental health 😂) not everychild reaches all these averages AND THATS OK! Yes sometimes children have difficulty with certain things due to developtmental challenges but thats not as common as a child just not being there yet. Just try to enjoy them in this moment and befoee you know if she will be up and walking 😂

I train my son to walk and crawl and now he is walking and crawling

Some babies never crawl and go straight to walking so no need to worry!

Mine neither he tries tho 🥰

Mine rocks but isn't fully crawling. It's OK thought baby will develop according to her time. 🥰

Mine isn’t either but she is so close! just keep encouraging your little one to try🥰

Sounds like she’s getting ready to start crawling if she gets on all fours and rocks!

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