Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.
This is embarrassing for me to admit but I don’t like the way I taste down there and I need advice! I am a very clean person and huge on good hygiene so I am always clean and don’t smell bad however I’ve always disliked my own taste. It’s VERY acidic like lemon and I don’t know what to do to change it! I feel very i...
can I use canasten treatment without telling my midwife / doctor ?
How long did it take everyone to get pregnant after coming off the pill?
i was thinking of trying a menstrual cup my next period, is it worth it? i figure itll help save money on disposable products, but idk how i feel about it yet. i’d still use tampons when i go out cause i dont want to have to wash a menstrual cup in a public bathroom yknow? any tips and tricks are appreciated 😵💫 i…
Have you ever sneezed, paused, and then remembered you were wearing a panty liner on? 😹😹🤣😂
Have anyone tried this method before? My partner wants me to take a plan b but I hate taking it & he don't wanna use a condom I don't want to be on birth control sometimes it messes with woman's bodies, so I thought about doing this but scared to get pregnant 😅
How long did it take for you to notice difference once starting Aptamil Pepti 1? Xx
Can anybody recommend a contraception that doesn’t kill your sex drive? I’ve been on every different kind of contraception since I was 16 and they all affect my libido. After giving birth I wanted to give my body a break from the hormones but we’re really struggling with using condoms. I have tried the copper coil b...
I’m looking at contraception options thinking about getting the coil fitted, and keen to hear people’s experiences. Prior to starting a family I have always been on the pill, but having been off it for over 4 years now I’m keen to explore hormone free contraceptive options but am slightly freaked out at the idea o...
Me and my partner have very different sexual needs and it’s starting to create a rift. I only feel like having sex about 3/4 times a month and my sex drive is extremely high around ovulation and non existent all other times. He feels I’m only having sex for a baby (we are trying for no.2). Is there any supplements (...
What are the chances of pregnancy if I had unprotected sex, he pulled out, I took a plan b, then had unprotected sex again but he finished inside me. Does the plan b protect me from both times? I’m supposed to ovulate in 5 days according to the Flo app. I took the plan b 5 hours ago then had sex again but he didn’t ...
I thought I’d see a GP asap to advice me with these things especially because I have PCOS and my periods have always be irregular. Don’t want to stop PCOS supplements then it affects my pregnancy due to hormonal changes, I’m worried. Any advice?
When did you start taking your progesterone after your BFP? I’ve been trying to reach my early pregnancy team but I can’t get through, I’ve called my DR too but I haven’t heard anything back yet. I’m so so anxious I just need this baby to stick 🌈
I’m 6 weeks pp and have my appointment with the GP tomorrow for my postpartum check up. I want to go onto contraception, and ideally one that means I don’t have a period. When I was TTC, I put up with the horrible pain and sickness, but I just can’t face it now. I used to take the progesterone only pill that did ...
Hey mummas, I’m due on the 10th of this month and I’m still confused on contraception, I know I would like the implant but I can’t decide when the best time to get it put in, I’m quite an emotional rollercoaster of a person as is and I don’t want to throw my hormones out of whack even more when bubba is here but at ...
When your baby is given gaviscon on prescription how many boxes do you get at a time? And how long do they last?
Anyone have experience with nexplanon? Pros and cons?
Best contraceptive? I don't want the coil as that freaks me out - Pros and cons of the implant- patch and the injection
Those of you taking progesterone whats your dose and how long will you be taking them for? I’m 17 weeks tomorrow was prescribed them at 7weeks and will be taking them until baby is here i have been asked to lower my dose to 1x day rather than 400mg 2x day and i’m a little nervous about lowering it this early is anyo...
I have been on birth control since I was 15, and I am really over it. When I was younger it was great, controlled my pms and horrible mood swings but now that I am 34 it's just not for me. I don't want any more children but my husband does, which is why I continue to be on it. He's hoping one day I will change my mi...