@Paige did you take the combined pill without the week’s break?
@Helen yes I never took a break with them x
This is a simple questionnaire to find the best method of Contraception for you according to what you want out of it... hope it's helpful ☺️ https://www.contraceptionchoices.org/whats-right-for-me
I had the depo injection every 3 months, never had a period the whole two years i was on it
@Amalia thank you! I do find it a bit confusing, it gives the options as great for regular periods and ok for no periods…not sure how it can be both! Useful though as I can take the query to the GP based on what it’s given me.
I’m on the hormonal coil, before I had my little one I had horrific periods that were so painful it was debilitating. I’ve tried various pills but my body never agrees with them so this was the only option for me! I’ve been on it 4 months and although my periods haven’t stopped, each ‘period’ has been getting lighter and lighter each time, the length of time between periods js getting longer by 3/4 days each month and I’ve had nearly zero pain at all each period. So for me it’s totally worth jt because I have no pain! Hoping eventually it’ll stop completely! And it also didn’t hurt at all getting it fitted X
I had the hormonal coil for 15 years (3 in total) before I had my little one last October. I found it suited me and my periods stopped for the first 4 and a half years each time I had one, they started to return just before I was due a replacement. Overall I found them very positive, the only issue was weight gain but I got that under control easily. I wanted another one but they couldn’t fit it following my 6 weeks check (shy cervix) but as we have completed our family my husband is looking into a vasectomy instead.
I have the mirena coil (fitted 8 weeks pp) and had no bleeding for 5 months 👍no side effects x
I had the implant & haven’t had a period since
I took the combined pill back to back apart from when I had spotting which was once a year for over 10 years. If you're breastfeeding you can't have anything with estrogen by the way it kills your supply The implant and the coils don't guarantee no periods. I know people who have had normal periods with them and people who haven't. If you want more kids or kids soon I wouldn't do the injection as it takes up to 2 years to come out your system and can take even longer then 2 years to concieve.
@Helen thank you, this is super helpful! Me conceiving was a bit of a surprise, so the odds of it happening again are so slim that even though I’d probably like another, it’s not worth keeping my period around on the incredibly narrow chance that lightning strikes twice!
@Helen that's okay. Do you have a sexual health clinic near you. I've always found them soo much better then my local gps for contraceptive advise. They usually have a contraceptives day, some are by appointment only and others are walk ins.
I was on the combined pill for 2 years and never had a period for 2 years and never had a side effects. I currently have the merina coil and I still have very light 2 day periods 9 months later x