Community Posts, Tips & Support on Women's Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.

Morning after pill, late period

Has LoviOne or any morning after pill caused your period to be late. According to Flo I have been having my periods early for the past 3 months. Now my period is due in 2days according to Flo app but I was expecting it early again this time. I took the morning after pill 24hrs after unprotected sex which was on the ...


Did you guys see the BV study that came out?

There was a study done on bacterial vaginosis that is now showing that BV is an STI so the best way to treat it is to also have your partner treated with antibiotics including topical! I hope this new research helps vulva owners!!


Opinion regarding uti in pregnancy...

I am not 100% sure I have a uti. If anything, I have mild symptoms. However, i have bought anti biotics and am thinking whether to take it or not. I don't like that anti biotics kills all bacteria. It feels like it mustn't be 100% safe during pregnancy for this reason. Can UTIs go away on their own? If I wait a ...


(Weird question but this is making me feel terrible)Would you think another female was disgusting if you caught co-worker masturbating in bathroom when work was busy?

It’s embarrassing to admit but I don’t smoke or drink and have struggled with masturbation as a female especially when I’m stressed. Last year I was stressed out and I was in one of the work bathrooms connected to work Wi-Fi (I didn’t know anyone could see it) and I began to masturbate really quick manager or one of...



What contraception has everyone gone for? I’m thinking the coil but I’m sooo scared of getting it for some reason - I had a traumatic birth so worried something will go wrong. I really don’t want another baby yet so I need a reliable contraceptive!


Cleaning play yard

So today my daughter’s play yard came in and I was just wondering how do I clean the mat? Do I just wipe it with a disinfectant wipe or is there a quicker way?



Anyone on lamotrigne or propranolol for BPD and Bipolar disorder? Just started em 2 months pp an wanted to see how anyone else was doing


TMI- Yeast infections

I get frequent yeast infections but this time the medicine given doesn’t seem to be working and I woke up with a swollen inner vagina? 😩 I’m currently so uncomfortable and waiting for the doctors to call me back. What can I do till then. 😭


Do you/or partner have this practice of washing your privates before sex?

So me and hubby got in a little understatement recently because he told me to go wash myself before sex. I was like “what” I thought I misunderstood, since we’ve been together 7 years and he’s just brought it up. He says it’s normal to wash yourself a bit, to be cleaner and great smelling down below. I said I would ...


Pads for postpartum bleeding?

Which pads are you ladies getting for the postpartum bleeding? Any recommendations


Uti that doesn’t go away. I have been to the doctors countless time, took 3 courses of antibiotics. None worked even though showed as sensitive in urine culture

urine culture comes back positive and still have symptoms. been to three doctors and don’t seem to help or know what they are doing. I am pregnant at 14 weeks and don’t know what to do anymore. Anyone has natural tips? or suffered from a chronic uti as well?


So I have my next depo shot next week (2 weeks after it should of been had to be rescheduled)

So I should of got my 2nd depo shot past thrusday, and I'm woulding if I even get it since I feel off my supply took a hit when I got it, I'm exhausted more then I was when I got it , if i shouldn't what pill do you guys recommend or should I stay away from bc for a while till my body back to a more normal state ?


Is there a sexy way to wash your vagina in the shower? Lmao my man just said I look creepy as hell the way I’m washing myself in the shower 🤣🤣 wtf

If there is a sexy way, PLEASE let me know 🤣🙏🙏🙏🙏🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


The pill

Hi I’m currently on the pill I take it at 9 every night I’ve just puked a hour before I take my pill for the night. Am I still protected from pregnancy? I always assumed it was if you was sick straight after but would rather be safe then sorry


Scared to take plan B

I have always been scared to take hormonal birth control. Husband’s condom failed us four days out from ovulation day. I have been researching plan B side effects and it did arrive from Amazon but I cannot get myself to take it. I am also breastfeeding my 11 month old so that adds to the fear. Any advice ?


Birth control options?

Are there any birth control products that don’t make me gain weight or affect my hormones too much? Heavy on the don’t wanna gain weight lol


Does the sweep hurt?

I’ve been told by other women they were screaming in pain whilst others say that it was just uncomfortable..



What’s the situation with tidying up down there… I can’t see past my stomach and really don’t want to be cutting down there. Do you grab a mirror?, Ask your partner for help?, Just risk it and hope for the best? & how far in advance did you have to prepare just so I don’t have to keep on top of it🤣 Many thanks


Mini pill

So i started taking the mini pill just over 2 weeks ago. I missed a day and a couple of days i have taken it late. Im not having sex at the moment due to healing still so i do wish i waited however i didnt. Anyway im now having a full blown period. Anyone else experienced this?


Myself 💕

After being on the pill how long did it take for you to get a period


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