Community Posts, Tips & Support on Women's Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.

UTI relief

I have a really bad uti and it hit me last night but my doctor wont be able to refill it until tomorrow. I know pure cranberry juice works well but can I also take Azo and do i have to take regular or can i take the maximum strength one.



Was told I have a very mild UTI but they are not giving me any antibiotics, will it just go on its own? Very worried now, I have my midwife on Tuesday so will bring it back up then



Hi girls what contraception are you on after giving birth and how’s it affecting you. I got the marina coil put in months ago but my stomach is killing me and when I’m due on my cramps are 10x worse and feel sharp as if I can feel it inside me🤢. I’m hoping to see something that tends to work for the majority of women


Useless GP

I have been waiting to hear from docs for the 8 week appointment which HV told me I would be able to discuss any issues I was having as well as LO getting her vaccinations etc. Finally got a letter saying the appointment is 10th Feb when my LO will actually be 11 weeks which is annoying in itself but there’s also ...


Nurofen double dose!

Accidentally gave 5mls instead of 2.5 to my 9.5 month old 🤦🏾‍♀️😭 Do I need to be worried?



I’ve got thrush and used pessary and cream 2 days ago and nothing changed anyone else experienced this? What did you do?


Over reacting

So as a joke I squirted breastmilk on my partner later on that day I had seen a funny video of another girl doing to her partner and showed my man we were getting intimate in the shower and it squirted out again and we laughed he then turned around and said okay Sachi which is the girl we had seen earlier squirting ...


Slinda contraception

Has anyone taken the slinda brand of pill for contraception?



Has anyone taken progesterone? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Did it help you conceive? I didn’t get mine from a doctor, and idk if that’s bad. Do I need to take anything else with it?


Depo shot?

Hi, has anyone gotten the Depo shot? If so, any negative reactions towards it? Did you gain weight? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated please🫶



Hey ladies has anyone had thrush ? And what did u use to treat this ?



What do you use on your periods ?


Cyclogest tips (vaginally)

I am about to start Cyclogest and will need to insert pessaries vaginally in the morning (rectally in the evening). I have struggled with this in the past (also struggle with tampons). I never know if I have pushed it in far enough and struggle to get the angle right. Any tips?? Thank you!!


Birth control after baby

I'm debating between IUD or implant for birth control after baby #2 comes. - I used Mirena IUD before kids. It worked, but I had cramping for the whole time it was in. - we used condoms between baby #1 and #2. It was awful - not sure if we're done with babies yet, so need something reliable but not permanent


Birth Control Question

I’ve been on different birth controls over the years. Depo, nexaplon (arm implant), and pills. I liked the arm implant because you didn’t have to worry about taking anything but with all of these they are hormonal and I don’t like the way they make me feel I have been thinking about the Copper IUD since it is hormo...


Contraception After Birth

Pre pregnancy I was on the combined pill however have now started to experience migraine with Aura so been taken off. Since coming off the combined pill I was put into desogestrel. This gave me constant spotting and severe brain fog to the point i couldn’t retain any info. I’ve now been put onto noriday, I’m coming...


Thoughts on these wipes

Heard that these wipes are as good as the branded Waterwipes. Any mums used them and any reviews?



I think my incision has opened uo just on the top, i went to the toilet to wipe and saw red blood, and its green and mucusy. What do i do. Ive also taken a small video to check and can see two bits that are open. Any advice on what to do , should i wait for the morning and go to MAC or call them now


Birth control advice

Hey girls! So I need some advice. I have been on the pill for going on 10 years which means I have not had a period in that long! Sounds crazy right ?! But hey, who's complaining? Lol. Well I'm starting to think the pill is affecting my mood and energy and etc so I was considering other options. I just don't know wh...


Anti-D injection

Has anyone had to have this injection throughout previous pregnancies? I’m a little confused by it and if it can cause any harm? I’m currently 14 weeks pregnant and have been spotting for the last 2 weeks (everything is fine on scans, no known cause for the bleeding) so they gave me the Anti-D injection when the ble...


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