Anti-D injection

Has anyone had to have this injection throughout previous pregnancies? I’m a little confused by it and if it can cause any harm? I’m currently 14 weeks pregnant and have been spotting for the last 2 weeks (everything is fine on scans, no known cause for the bleeding) so they gave me the Anti-D injection when the bleeding first started along with Progesterone. I’ve been told if the bleeding continues I have to have the Anti-D injection every month? I’m also RH negative and I know the Anti-D is needed for that as well but further on/towards the end of pregnancy? I’m just a little confused on what the injection is for/what it does and I can’t seem to get a clear answer from the health care professionals…
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This is what I got told when I had anti D don't wanna upset you or scare you, if you don't have it your immune system thinks your baby is a virus so your body will attack it thinking it's something that shouldn't be Thier. Anti D Is suppose to stop that happening x

@Charmaine Patricia I’m sure they said I only need it up until 16 weeks as well.. how many did you have?

I had 2 injection I can't remember how many weeks apart xx

Same what charmaine said. It's because you have a rare blood type. I had to have it during pregnancy and one during labour because im rhesus negative.

@Charmaine Patricia and was everything fine with baby? When do I find out if we have the same blood type do you know? Sorry for the questions x

i was told that if my baby had a different blood type to me and i have a fall , a car crash or anything like that i’d have to go in for anti d otherwise my blood could harm baby. since having my baby his blood type is the same as mine which means my future babies would be the same aswell and i won’t have to have anti d again x

@Saffron how/when do you find out if you have the same blood or not? I’m guessing that’s when they’re born? I just don’t know if it’s something I need to be worrying over or not😩

@Katie find out once they’re born and have had their heal prick test. as long as you go to the hospital for anti d after any sort of fall or bump to the belly everything will be okay. i think it’s more of a precaution thing, better to be safe than sorry i suppose. i was in two car accidents during my pregnancy went for anti d and everything was fine x

@Saffron fab thank you! I’m just worried about every minor thing because of a previous miscarriage. It’s even worse when I can’t get a straight answer from anyone!

@Katie aw so sorry for your loss!! it is scary at first but i’m sure everything will be fine!! from what i remember if baby is rh negative all your babies will be if this baby is a different blood type all your other babies would be the same if tha makes sense xxx

@Bec ahh right okay, I was unsure whether they gave it to me for the bleeding or due to being RH negative.. or both😂! I understand a bit more now, I have no issues with having the injection I just wanted to understand why I need it and what exactly it does😊 thank you x

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