I have the non hormonal iud so far is good 🤔
For me the implant made me put on sooo much weight and gave me cysts on my ovaries I used the pill and fell pregnant Tried the injection after baby number 2 and put on alot of weight and had no sex drive now back on the pill waiting to go onto the mirena coil so hoping that won't be to bad for me
Go with hormonal i work for a obgyn office and i have seen many pregnancies with the non hormonal one😢 yikessss
I said hormonal iud because it’s smaller than copper, copper may cause more cramping. Perhaps it was just the way the IUD was placed that you experienced cramping throughout, did you talk to your doctor about it? Mine said cramping should stop after a couple hours of it being placed. Implant is a good second, I have the same issue, I want birth control but honestly never had it so nervous about getting an IUD or implant but I feel those are my best options
Have you looked at the side effects of each birth control and the rate of efficacy? This is how I made my decision. I have pmdd and mdd so the implant was already out for me.
Has your partner considered getting a vasectomy? (I’m not sure if you’re partnered, that’s why I ask)
Same situation for us too…I am considering a copper iud. It is either that or condoms.
I had the implant for 6 years and thought it was fine, but only coming off it I see how much it affected me.
@Perla do you get worse periods on it?
@Vanessa ya, condom sex isn't either mine or my husband's preference so I think we need something else
i have the implant and so far it’s been alright! everyone gets different side effects so you never know. one reason i got the implant is cause i feel like if i want it removed it will be an easier and quicker process
@Tabbi yes, I talked to my doctor about the cramping. She just said it was probably anxiety and sent me home 😞
I do not recommend the implant. I was on it before when I was with my ex for 3 years. I was on it after my 3rd baby as we didn’t want another too close In age. I hated it both times and the side affects of it.
@Emmy we might want another baby in a few years, so we're holding off on anything permanent.
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I’m on the patch and it’s working really well x
@Tonya yes, nexplanon. Are there other implants?
Nonnhormonal iud. Pill is type 1 carcinogen
@Meg do you have a reputable source on that?
I had the nexplanon implant for 5 years (2 separate implants of course) and had no issues with it at all. Only had 3/4 light periods during that time aswell which was a bonus.
@Rachel well I haven’t got my period yet but the only pain I had was like the first week
At my 6 week’s appointment (in February), I’ll be getting back on the Mirena IUD (no other birth control history). No periods, no cramps and be intimate with no issues. My husband was considering a vasectomy but we aren’t sure if we’re done having kids yet. I had baby #2 about 1 month ago.
I got pregnant on the copper iud 😭 I know it's rare but it was traumatizing and I don't want to risk that again.
I have got the implant this is my 3rd time having it and always been fine 🙂
@Heather yes, I've looked into that data. Everything seems to be over 98% effective, and the side effects are all over the place so I'd like some human input.
I’ve had the liletta IUD for a few years now. It’s mostly been a good experience, but the downside is I’ve gained weight. Not sure if that’s from the IUD or not, but I’ve been trying to lose weight and if I can’t I will be getting rid of the IUD. I also tried to copper IUD years ago and it was HORRIBLE. Heavy periods and constant cramping. I will never recommend that one to anyone
I said implant, because it’s easy. But tbh I hate It, I’ve bled the entire time I’ve had it. 7 months now
I have the Mirena coil as it lasts for 8 years and you don’t have to remember to take pills etc (2 under 18months so don’t have time to think). Unfortunately I’ve not stopped bleeding since I had it inserted 7 weeks ago although no other side effects it’s not great (for me).
I have the non-hormonal coil in and it’s been fine so far. I react badly to hormonal birth control so it was my only option really lol. They warned me it might make my periods heavier but so far it hasn’t. My cramps are a little worse than usual though. Still manageable.
I got the hormonal iud recently because I wanted a long term bc but I’ve been lightly bleeding since I got it inserted 4 weeks ago. Not sure how long that will last. Alsooo a short term bc I loved was the patch (xulane). 3 weeks on one off. I experienced no side effects with it
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My partner wore comdoms til i got sterilised.
I've got the kyleena IUD and love it. It's smaller than the copper one, low hormone and I very rarely have periods (maybe every 4 months). I was on the pill pre baby and my emotions are much more regular now!
If I could go back, I'd do the ring again. I got the nexplanon and bled for 8 months straight so now I'm ALSO on a pill to stop the bleeding, so I'm doubled up on birth control now 😅 only plus is I haven't had a period in over a year
What implant are you referring to? The nexplanon? I swear against that one. I had it for about 2 years, and it migrated and sat on a nerve for the better part of that 2 years and now i have permanent damage from it. I lost my insurance a couple months after getting it put in, so i couldnt get it taken out when i wanted to.