@Ashley yeah but I did it prior to the video and it happened to show up…. Maybe I am just over reaching
@Ashley just felt weird him looking at me whilst mid intimate calling me a another girls name idk
Yup. You’re overreacting. You were acting on a reference. He responded by playing along with you. That’s how banter works. If y’all were having a conversation that played out the same way, would you be upset? I just think you set him up for failure.
I agree ^
Eh I think you’re overreacting. You started the joke. You showed him the video. He is calling you that because that is who you were pretending to be.
@Gabrielle no I wasn’t pretending to be her I did the joke first and then came across a girl doing it hours later
@Lativa no I wasnt pretending to be them I had leaked milk and he randomly said it whilst in the shower with me
If his response made you feel uncomfortable you can tell him gently, “I know we’re playing around but I don’t like being called another woman’s name, especially while we’re being intimate.” Hold space for his response and talk it through. You’re not wrong for how you felt but you have to communicate it in a healthy loving way so it doesn’t turn into hurt feelings and resentment.
@Ashley because he was kissing me when he said it like it was hours after that video