Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.
What apps are we using when the baby is here?
Hi all I had a phone call with a speech therapist who's given me a few pointers and games etc to help speech come along. If anyone wants the notes I'm happy to send them over!
Anyone know some hidden gems around gta for hiking thats paved or a boardwalk? Within an hour driving distance from Toronto preferably.
Anyone want to be friends on instagram? Perhaps we could make a group chat if there’s enough people My insta is cait.sullivanx
Hi all Anyone else find it hard to make mum friends 😢 I have two kiddies and would love to make some mum friends 🥰
Does anyones partner have anything in place for contact with BM? She is messaging near enough every day with attacks and looking for an argument, obviously dont want to block or even mute her in case there is ever an emergency but it is severely draining our own household now even outside of the days we have stepkid
Just wanted to know has anyone got pregnant through partner putting condom on right at the last minute? So not quite the pull out method
Anyone in Greer area I really could use some mom friends or a girls day
Hey everyone, my son is 3months and I’m looking to meet other mums for coffee/walks/meet ups to get out the house. Any group recommendations etc? Central Bristol ideally as stuck to public transport Xx
Friends to rant and talk to !?! I need mommy friends
Hey momma's looking for real friends to hangout with tired of always being alone
Text me your number to join!❤️
My man does a good job with the baby, but when I tell you I can count on less than one hand the amount of times we’ve have sex in months is crazyyy. I’m feeling wild insecure because when we first met we was going crazy but when I got pregnant and he got caught up in legal trouble it’s like I got the shitty end of t...
Can anyone recommend a good app for milestone development please
I feel like giving up with trying to socialise. I thought it would be nice having mummy friends, and I became friends with someone in the hospital when we both had our sons. We meet up once or twice week. She met some other mums on a mummy walk and then we have all met up twice. I just feel like they aren’t friendly...
With my first, mat leave was a joy but i didnt really feel i did much with him and he got more opportunities to develop after he joined nursery. But at 1-2 years, he was sick alot for 5 months and i didnt excel at my job and once we got into the flow, my father died (folllowed monthly until Christmas by other relati...
Anyone in here from Louisiana
I just honestly want to make some genuine mom friends that I can relate with. I’ve had to go through most of my pregnancy alone and I just could use some emotional support and good energy around me.
anyone in or near middletown??
Are you guys having sex ? My baby just turned 3 months and my husband and I had sex only once since then . I’m just sooo tired at night when she sleeps and busy during the day, that it’s just not happening. My mind is not really on the topic either … Wondering how others are making it work ?