Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.
Hi, I'm currently a stay at home mum and my life revolves around my child and home life. I'd love to get to know people and maybe make friends. It would be nice to get out once in a while for a coffee or a catch up with someone and have some adult time without the children. I'm struggling at the moment because I fee...
Why is it so hard to make friends. I just want a genuine friend. One who checks on me from time to time. I’m always the one messaging my friends.
Would anyone like to be friends? I’ve just lost the only friend I had and am finding pregnancy very lonely!
Any playgroups local to north Bristol / south glos that you can just turn up to?
Hey ladies, thinking of going to Redfields Garden Centre, Tree Top Cafe for 11am. They have a little play area for the little ones and we can watch them while we have a chat away
My ex cheated on me 6 months pregnant left me and tried to return. I’m no contact with him yet again for catching him in his lies etc. what should I do? I’m trying to develop in my faith. I don’t feel at peace with him or him around our baby
Dose anyone know where any local baby groups are for cheep or free?
Just found this group! Am I too late to come today?
Looking for a mama friend
Want to make new friends who have 2 year olds. And need to have meaningful conversations.
Does it hurt? Or feel weird? im legit about to ask him for sexual eruption but my dosey thoughts wont let me! I'm 7 weeks 3 days & i'm horny😭😭.
Hiii! Any moms in the DFW area?? I live in Sherman!
So much drama with the bd, he cheated the whole pregnancy, lies to my face, smear campaigns against me. I am having a baby with a man with narcissistic personality disorder. At this point I told him he doesn’t have to help me raise our baby due April, but he needs to provide child support. His response was “you’ll h...
Hey Ladies 🌸 I’m looking to connect with new mom friends here in NYC! It would be great to meet others who are also expecting or have a toddler. Even better if you’re married/partnered, as my husband and I are also looking to meet other couples for playdates, hangouts, summer BBQs, Friendsmas, and just building a…
Add me on snap!! josiedeaton
✨BESTIE APPLICATION✨ *Name: Emily *Age: 26 *State: Oklahoma *Favorite Season: summer *Are you open or shy? Open *Will you reply fast: yes! *Children: 6year old daughter & 3 year old daughter *Text all the time? Absolutely *Talk about anything and everything: that’s what a bestie is for!!
Heyy any moms that live in poinciana FL and want to connect?
Just found out yesterday why they got divorced. I need counselling. Believed they were a solid couple
✨BESTIE APPLICATION✨ *Name: Chelsea *Age: 27 *State: Virginia *Favorite Season: Fall or Spring *Are you open or shy? depends on my mood honestly *Will you reply fast: typically yes unless I’m asleep or busy with little one! *Children: almost 7 month old baby girl & an 8 year old bonus son *Text all the time? For...
Best friend application: 29. 2 kids. (10 & 6) texas. loves tattoos (have 17, want more) loves fishing (will get fish off hook for you) loves horror loves dark humor I think that's it 💀 someone be my friend 💕