Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.
I’m looking for mom friends who won’t judge and I can message/text or ft!
Hey all im new here. Married mom of 3 girls looking to meet others for chats and friendships 😊
He wants to see other people because I'm not really affectionate/have a low sex drive. We have a 7 month old together I co-sleep with & 2 other kids in the home. He wants to co-live to still see the baby/give me help sometimes but I feel selfish cuz I do still love him & don't like the idea of him sleeping with othe...
So I’m struggling to make friends. I’m an introvert but I can be outgoing once I’m comfortable. It’s definitely getting lonely not having friends. I don’t expect to talk all day everyday. But it would definitely be nice to have someone to talk to. I do want a circle of friends like would like to do group chats and f...
I know this is kinda deep topic… has anyone in general asked why yourself don’t have friends and make it out like a joke? It kinda stumbled to me recently and people assume people who don’t have any friends is weird. In the past my ex cousins used to be sarcastic and uses horrible digs at me saying now wonder you ...
i am 9 weeks pregnant and i have literally ZERO sex drive at all! is this normal? when im not pregnant i feel like i have a very normal, not insanely high sex drive but at least i have one. like i want to have sec with my husband but ughhh !
I’m a second time mum and had my baby 2 days ago. I’m finding my older son is struggling with the transition of a sibling and wondering if anyone fancied a chat? I’m finding it all a bit lonely as I have mum friends but I’m the first in the group to have another so I would love to have someone who is going through ...
Has anyone stayed with a cheater (that has cheated more than once) and it worked out? So torn with what to do
Might sound like a stupid question but I’ve struggled with social anxiety for so many years I’m 24 and my only friends tbh are online, (I’m a heavy gamer.) I did have friends in real life but when my brother passed away just over a year ago they weren’t supportive in the slightest so I cut them out. Now it’s just m...
Has anyone stayed with a cheater that has cheated more than once and it’s worked out?
Messy situation and I’m so confused. My ex has gone back to be with his ex. I am pregnant. He wants me to have a termination and has said that if I have the baby he won’t be in that child’s life. He has also said that he wanted to remain best friends with me but can’t do that if I have his child. I’m beyond lost in ...
Who wants to be friends ? 🤭
we’re both women! he doesn’t bf so we both feed him. i was however the one who was pregnant
What apps are we using when the baby is here?
Hi all I had a phone call with a speech therapist who's given me a few pointers and games etc to help speech come along. If anyone wants the notes I'm happy to send them over!
Anyone know some hidden gems around gta for hiking thats paved or a boardwalk? Within an hour driving distance from Toronto preferably.
Anyone want to be friends on instagram? Perhaps we could make a group chat if there’s enough people My insta is cait.sullivanx
Hi all Anyone else find it hard to make mum friends 😢 I have two kiddies and would love to make some mum friends 🥰
Does anyones partner have anything in place for contact with BM? She is messaging near enough every day with attacks and looking for an argument, obviously dont want to block or even mute her in case there is ever an emergency but it is severely draining our own household now even outside of the days we have stepkid
Just wanted to know has anyone got pregnant through partner putting condom on right at the last minute? So not quite the pull out method