Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.
Hi, has anyone got the owelet app on two devices just tried to put on husbands phone but has taken it off mine?
Is there anyone that’s living within Hampshire/Surrey/Bracknell area that would like to take their pre-teen OUTSIDE to do anything but lock away In their rooms 🥴??
How often are the married folks out here having sex?
Recently became a single mother of three because I found of their father has been talking with another female. I am 6weeks post partum. I really miss him and love him so much. I don’t want to get back with him. But however I want to kiss him passionately and make love one last time. Should I go for it or keep my dis...
I need someone to talk to if anyone is up. I need to vent so bad
Add me on snap!! Doesn’t really matter where you are from just looking for new friends to snap with !!
Has anyone else not left their baby yet? Baby is 4.5 months old and I’ve not even left him to go to the shop or anything. I have become a single mum and I don’t have any family so there is only my friends really but I recently had a smear and need to go to hospital for tests and when my friend said she’d have him I ...
I'm in colorado and don't have any friend here as I moved from Connecticut and worked non stop since I moved. My passion is making art and dressing in victorian clothes, and I love the wild west. I have enough Victorian outfits to share, I really just want someone to hangout with that doesn't make me feel like I'm ...
Mine is snoring. I just didn’t want to fall in love with someone who snored because I knew it would aggravate me as my dad snored and it drove me insane as he kept the whole fucking house up when I was a kid My fiancé luckily doesn’t snore 😭 if he does it’s a cute small snore and it’s very rare only when he’s…
Who can I talk to if I have ppd?
He's 15 weeks. I thought it would of come by now, it happened straight away with my first. I love him so much but I just don't feel that bond. I don't know how to form one...
Hey I’m Lillian, I’m 32 years old I’ll be 33 last day of may this year! I’m living in Cincinnati Ohio just looking for a bestie near or far doesn’t matter I enjoy texting and I feel like friendship should work both ways not one way! I feel like I always text first. Mainly which sucks. I have a big family but I will ...
They’re jealous that you look good Jealous you have a good job Jealous of your co-workers Jealous of how much attention others give you Jealous of how the baby is connected to you Jealous for all types of reasons Do y’all agree
How do you deal with the loneliness that comes with having no village/friends?
1-I put a word 2-someone put a word under it 3-keep adding a word under every word 4-watch the words create a silly sentence 5-Everyone join in on the fun and laughter
✨BESTIE APPLICATION✨ *Name: Alysha *Age: 20 *State: United Kingdom *Favorite Season: summer *Are you open or shy? Bit of both, open when I’m comfortable *Will you reply fast: as quick as I can *Children: a daughter *Text all the time? Yes *Talk about anything and everything: Yes, even more so when I get to kno...
So in need of finding my people, where are the none judgmental, laid back, open and honest realistic mams at!! Need some mam friends I can be real with 😝😇
Is there any ktown mom Groups?
So me and my boyfriend of almost four years haven’t been doing great lately. He’s been yelling and cussing at me and I’ve finally had enough, but I’m scared to leave cause he says he gonna take my two year old son away from me. He has no job and I’m the only one who works and put in any effort and I also provide eve...
✨BESTIE APPLICATION✨ *Name: Alondra *Age: 28 *State: Las Vegas *Favorite Season: Winter *Are you open or shy? Depends, but I’m pretty open once you get to know me. *Will you reply fast: I try to, but I can be bad about it sometimes *Children: 2 girls *Text all the time? Yes, I’m a huge texter *Talk about anythi...